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  1. tropical fishies

    Which Fish For My Tank?

    cool, so will bristlenoses and guppies go ok together? with ma calculations,
  2. tropical fishies

    Kissing Gouramis?

    i was told about a type of fish called kissing gourami, i wasnt sure if the person was joking or not... is he?? and do they really kiss??
  3. tropical fishies

    Which Fish For My Tank?

    how many guppys should i put into a 60L 60cm x 30cm tank? along with a decent catfish like a bristlenose? anyone know? and whats the formula for working it out so i can do myself too!
  4. tropical fishies

    Which Fish For My Tank?

    Hello, i was recently advised by a friend that i should make a thread, saying the fish i like, and my tank deatials, as i dont know what fish will be suitable to my tank, or as a community so here goes!: Fish i like All types of betta All Angelfish Clown loach Plecs Bristlenoses Guppies Tiger...
  5. tropical fishies

    I Have Molly Fry!

    did you call it noodle?
  6. tropical fishies

    I Have Molly Fry!

    lol youve posted this twice...
  7. tropical fishies

    I Have Molly Fry!

    aww, im so pleased for you!, call the first fry youve seen noodle!!! i want some guppy fry....
  8. tropical fishies

    Now, How Do I Get My Guppies To Breed?

    it happens like magic, but dont leave the fry with any other fish, theyll eat it!
  9. tropical fishies

    Siamese Fighting Fish

    dang that sucks, siamese fighting fish are like all the girls i meet, beautiful but evil lol, i find the females really dull though, the males are colorful and pretty! anything they would go well with?
  10. tropical fishies

    How Do I Get A Custom User Title?

    where is this box, i cant find it...?
  11. tropical fishies

    Siamese Fighting Fish

    can i keep a male and 2 females together in a 60cm by 30cm tank with a plec and an angel fish?
  12. tropical fishies

    Siamese Fighting Fish

    Which special needs do siamese fighters need, apart from not pairing males together lol? whats best temperateure for them?
  13. tropical fishies

    My New Tank

    cool, so whats lfs and should i buy a new filter all together, and if so, which one?
  14. tropical fishies

    Ok, Im Banned From World Of Water Now!

    THEY FED IT TO THE LION FISH! oh go the cuss words they deserve to be subjected to! that it terrible, how would they likeit if i dropped them into a pit full of starved lions!!???? every animal should be cared for properly, whether its a dog or a goldfish!! sue them!
  15. tropical fishies

    My New Tank

    well, by tank does recive sunlight, but not direct, its the light given off from the direct sunlight..
  16. tropical fishies

    Which Catfish?

    Thanks man!
  17. tropical fishies

    My New Tank

    ok firstly, my papa will take care of the tank while im gone so that shouldnt be a problem and 2: How long do you have your tank lights on for? 4 hours a day What type of lights do you have? like a giant tube thats stuck to my lid.... How many watts of light do you have?all it says is 50hz and...
  18. tropical fishies

    My New Tank

    heres the clearer description.. Small white dots on the side of my tank,, thereyre not touching each other but they are within a mm of eachother, theres loads, cant count em, and theyre in the cornors of my tank aswell
  19. tropical fishies

    Which Catfish?

    cool is a siamese fighting fish a type of betta?
  20. tropical fishies

    My New Tank

    yea im going on holliday to ireland, and come to think of it, i want to be able to say that i matured it all on my own!! lol and watch my tank grow!, though i need some algae killer what makes algae different colors?
  21. tropical fishies


    col, i tend to like dark blue!
  22. tropical fishies

    My New Tank

    cool! i hass an elite stingray filter... and how do i recive the donated filter media?
  23. tropical fishies

    Which Catfish?

    cool will do, will any of my other fish try to eat the catfish food?
  24. tropical fishies

    My New Tank

    wow! thanks miss wiggles! how long does it take a filter to mature?
  25. tropical fishies

    Arrrggghhhh What's Cycling, New Tank And I've Already Got Fish

    awsome! thanks for the help, sounds like dang hard work though!
  26. tropical fishies

    Which Catfish?

    Thanks guys your a big help, and umm, Siamese fighting fish soon to be... will they make good tank-matyes? and i also like catfish becuase its amusing to see they suck the glass Wait a second, are you neale monks from practical fishkeeping magazine?
  27. tropical fishies

    My New Tank

    Im sorry but i cant get pictures at the moment, and no, i was never told to add ammonia, i thought ammonia was bad? and this stuff is white, i thought algae was green?
  28. tropical fishies

    Which Catfish?

    Well Ive decided i want some cat fish, but i know little about catfish so i was hoping that somone could help choose the best catfish for me? my tank is 60cm by 30cm and i want plecs or loricariids becuase they eat away at the tanks algae dont they? but what heat should i keep the catfish at...
  29. tropical fishies

    My New Tank

    Well, Hi Im new to this forum and also new to tropical fish keeping, so im hoping you could help me with something? Ive recently purchased a new Tank and ive had it set up for 1 week, I havent put in any fish yet because im still doing a fishless cycle, However ive noticed that something white...