I Have Molly Fry!


Fish Crazy
Jan 21, 2007
Reaction score
Northamptonshire UK
:hyper: Came down this morning to see a tiny black molly hiding in the plants! The mum still looks huge though so is it likely she will have more? How many mollies do they usually have? (its her first pregnancy) x
I have read somewhere that they can have up to 50, I think that one of my female's is pregnant can I take the male out of the tank and rehome him if I dont want any more pregnacies, will the two females be o.k without the male?.


I think that one of my female's is pregnant can I take the male out of the tank and rehome him if I dont want any more pregnacies, will the two females be o.k without the male?.



no actually removing male will not definely make u not have any more fry, livebearers can store sperm for upto 6 mnths with a male not being in the tank so u could possible have another 4- 5 more lots if u do not want any more babies best bet is just 2 leave her in the tank 2 give birth the survival rate will be very low as the other fish will just see them as food :)

Came down this morning to see a tiny black molly hiding in the plants! The mum still looks huge though so is it likely she will have more? How many mollies do they usually have? (its her first pregnancy) x

congrats hun :) hope u find many more . usually first batch is quiet small so u mite only get a few but all depends on size of babies at birth and size of mother:)

The lil fry is about 1cm long, its much bigger than the guppy fry ive had so i dont feel she will have many more. Is there a certain time scale as to when her birthing will end? x
Time to finish a drop of fry is usually only a few hours. It would not be unusual for a first drop from a molly to be small like only 15 or 20 fry. Larger fry drops go with older more experienced females who are often much larger fish.
Wow, Congratulations on your first fry. I looked into my tank ealier on and my molly spat out a fry and before i could see what it was my gourami swallowed it whole. I have constantly been looking but can't see what fish is pregnant...The only Pregnant fish i have is a guppy and shes in a birthing tank. So i'm completely puzzled. Also this fry was quite big compared to the guppy fry. The fish i have are 2 mollys and 1 gourami and 2 common plecos and of coarse the female guppy and 1 male guppy.

Anyway Hope all goes well with your new additions.

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