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  1. G

    Will Water Changes Ever Stop!?!?

    Thanks, I'm gonna find some mature media. I have tested the tap. No ammonia before or after dechlorination. I have a carbon filter. It's for a top fin filter. The tank is densely planted with 7 batches of anacharis. I guess I better just wait it out and continue with my water changes.
  2. G

    Will Water Changes Ever Stop!?!?

    Omg I have been moving water like dealers move crack. I'm sorry if that was a bad analogy, but something has got to give. I'm doing a fish in cycle. 20 gal. Live plants. 4 danios and a couple of pearl gouramis. I change the water twice a day. Morning and night. I'd say it's about a 50 % change...
  3. G

    Cycling And Plants Are Dying?

    I'm doing a fish in cycle and all my plants are dying(turning brown)??? I've been fertilizing. Is it because of ammonia. I thought they used ammonia?? Help anyone.
  4. G

    Plants During A Fish-In Cycle?

    Are plants good or bad to have during a fish -in cycle 20 gal tank? If yes, suggestions?
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    Vacuum Tank! What About Bacteria?

    Will vacuuming a tank remove beneficial bacteria? What will it do to the plants? Anything else I should know before vacuuming my tank?
  6. G

    Which Bottom Darkness For Gravel Sub.

    Im pretty set on gravel. I cycled the tank and it's ready to roll. Which bottom dweller do you like on gravel? I love the panda corys.
  7. G

    Which Bottom Darkness For Gravel Sub.

    Which Bottomdwellers are best for a gravel substrate. I mean I know corys like sand but can't they thrive on gravel also??
  8. G

    Dusty Water?

    See if reduced feeding helps. Continue with frequent water changes.
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    Looking For A Community Fish That Eats Snails

    Snails + problem = Epalzeorhynchus bicolor aka red tailed black "shark" Eats them snails
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    Pearl Gourami Aggression?

    20 gal. I know for sure it's a male it has an orange throat and belly with a pointy dorsal. The two females have very little orange and rounded dorsals.
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    Pearl Gourami Aggression?

    Is a male pearl going to be aggressive to 2 female pearls a female blue Guorami
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    Glowing Substrate?

    It's not a fish substrate. It's from world market. It's made by club earth.. Its just some glowing rocks made in china??
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    Glowing Substrate?

    Are glow in the dark moonstones an acceptable substrate?
  14. G

    Bioload Fully Loaded Or Overloaded

    Thank you for all the replies. I'm gonna take the paradise and shark and give them a new home.
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    Bioload Fully Loaded Or Overloaded

    Hello, 6 danios, 6 panda cats, 2 pearl gouramis, 1 marble angel, 1 black red tail shark, and 1 blue paradise in 20 gallon tank. To much?
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    Dwarf Cichlid Advice

    Are blue paradise compatible with dwarf cichlids?
  17. G

    Dwarf Cichlid Advice

    Man, your dwarfs are beautiful. I need to get some of those. That's probably what I'm gonna go with. Did you find those at a LFS or did you order online?
  18. G

    Dwarf Cichlid Advice

    Ok I see. Well once I return the fish I can cycle it. I got a filter from another tank so it may be better. Once I've cycled, do you like the dwarf cichlid tank. Pair or herem? I was thinking a couple of females and a male.
  19. G

    Dwarf Cichlid Advice

    My tank cycled for a week. Then I've had these fish for two weeks now. The pet store offered to take them back for store credit.
  20. G

    Dwarf Cichlid Advice

    Anyone out there what to help me get set up with some dwarf cichlids? Again 20 gal, veggies, and caves. Now the fish! Two or three cichlids? One male and two females or just a pair?
  21. G

    Dwarf Cichlid Advice

    Ok so I'm new at this. Let me just give you the run down. I have 8 fish(6 gourami and 2 paradise fish)in a 20 gal tank. I know, I know! Well lets just say its not working out. So I'm probably going to have to change the stock. I'm thinking about going with 3 dwarf cichlids. 1 male 2 female. Here...
  22. G

    Guorami Tank Question

    If I were to start over with my 20 gal tank what would be you alls optimal tropical freshwater community in said size.
  23. G

    Guorami Tank Question

    Ok sounds good. I guess I will have to separate them. Yeah I cycled the tank so everything should be stable. I've also been watching ammonia and ph levels. Water changes etc... I guess I should look into getting another tank.
  24. G

    Guorami Tank Question

    I just got my tank. 20 gal. Plenty vegetation and caves. Before knowing anything about gouramis, I purchased 6(2 gold, 2 Opaline, a pearl, a three spotted), and 2 paradise fish. I have 8 in the aruarium and they seem to be doing fine. Its been about a week. Should I be worried? Or just go with...