Guorami Tank Question


Fish Fanatic
Dec 6, 2010
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I just got my tank. 20 gal. Plenty vegetation and caves. Before knowing anything about gouramis, I purchased 6(2 gold, 2
Opaline, a pearl, a three spotted), and 2 paradise fish. I have 8 in the aruarium and they seem to be doing fine. Its been about a week. Should I be worried? Or just go with it? Is there anything else I can(should) put in?
Hi G-skrilla and welcome to our beginners section!

My own instinct in a 20g would be perhaps 1 male and two females of only one of the types, more because of the territorial thing than because of eventual size, but the other members may have other ideas, I tend to be conservative the more high-spirited fish (gouramis are one of the few types of fish that do seem to vary quite a bit as individuals, which is another factor.)

Golds, opalines and 3 spotted are all colour variations of the same fish (I think). And so all tend to have a similar tempremant... which is quite territorial so not good to have that many in a 20gal when they're fully grown.The might be fine for awhile, but they almost definitely wont live together long term.

Also to add to that, paradise fish are EXTREMELY territorial as they grow. You could keep one in a 20gal, with no other anabantoids.

Personally I wouldn't keep anything more than a pair of pearls in a 20gal tank. You're just asking for trouble atm.
Don't lull yourself into a false sense of security by just thinking 'everything is fine at the mo'.
They've only been in there for a week, and I'm guessing they're not fully grown.

Oh and just a side note... did you just put them all in the tank before cycling? Or did you fishless cycle first?
Ok sounds good. I guess I will have to separate them. Yeah I cycled the tank so everything should be stable. I've also been watching ammonia and ph levels. Water changes etc... I guess I should look into getting another tank.
The most important ones to be removed right now is the paradise fish. But you should definitely address the others aswell, as and when you get the chance. :)
All the gouramis/you have are unsuitable for your tank. I don't know if you've seen fully grown Pearl Gouramis but they get pretty massive and 20gallons is not sufficient.
If I were to start over with my 20 gal tank what would be you alls optimal tropical freshwater community in said size.
A 20gal is certainly the min you'd put a pearl gourami in. But a pair in 20gal really wouldn't be too bad.

You could try a single male dwarf gourami in there... Or possibly try a pair of female dwarf gouramis.

Or a trio of honey gouramis, 1male and 2 females.

Or perhaps a single paradise fish... however sometimes they are a bit too agressive and wont put up with any other fish.

There are other 'centre piece' fish you could try.. dwarf cichlids for example.

Then build around your 'centerpiece' with smaller fish. Like a group of tetras or rasboras or similar. And then maybe some bottom feeders like corys, or small loaches n the such.

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