Dwarf Cichlid Advice


Fish Fanatic
Dec 6, 2010
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Ok so I'm new at this. Let me just give you the run down. I have 8 fish(6 gourami and 2 paradise fish)in a 20 gal tank. I know, I know! Well lets just say its not working out. So I'm probably going to have to change the stock. I'm thinking about going with 3 dwarf cichlids. 1 male 2 female. Here are my questions
1. Can it be done?
B. What kind do you suggest?
3. Any first hand tips on cichlids?
Ok so I'm new at this. Let me just give you the run down. I have 8 fish(6 gourami and 2 paradise fish)in a 20 gal tank. I know, I know! Well lets just say its not working out. So I'm probably going to have to change the stock. I'm thinking about going with 3 dwarf cichlids. 1 male 2 female. Here are my questions
1. Can it be done?
B. What kind do you suggest?
3. Any first hand tips on cichlids?
Anyone out there what to help me get set up with some dwarf cichlids? Again 20 gal, veggies, and caves. Now the fish! Two or three cichlids? One male and two females or just a pair?
How long has your tank been set up and what do you propose to do with your current stocking?
My tank cycled for a week. Then I've had these fish for two weeks now. The pet store offered to take them back for store credit.
hi, your tank won't be properly cycled in just 1 week.
have a read of this
especially the bit about fishless cycling
i would take the fish back to the fish shop pretty soon and start on.
a fish in cycle is also posable but requires alot of work
hope this helps
hi, your tank won't be properly cycled in just 1 week.
have a read of this
especially the bit about fishless cycling
i would take the fish back to the fish shop pretty soon and start on.
a fish in cycle is also posable but requires alot of work
hope this helps
Ok I see. Well once I return the fish I can cycle it. I got a filter from another tank so it may be better. Once I've cycled, do you like the dwarf cichlid tank. Pair or herem? I was thinking a couple of females and a male.
im no expert on cichlid but from what ive read 2:1 female to male is the best.
is the other filter running or not if its running all the bacteria will still be there to sort out the ammonia, if not it looks like a fishless cycle.
As a first timer for dwarf cichlids, I would advise cacatuoides but please ensure your tank is cycled, before adding them

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