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    Is This Cotton Mouth?

    she never used to have this... and is looks like it is actually commin out of her mouth.
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    Is This Cotton Mouth?

    hi noticed my female betta had a strange white mark on her mouth. is it cottom mouth???
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    Slowing Down Filter Current

    hi, I am getting a new male betta soon and was just wondering if anyone knows how to slow down the current of the filter as it gives out quite a powerful flow. it is a mini elite filter if that helps lol cheers
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    Will My Platy Die?

    Hi, really sorry to hear bout your platty. My female betta has been doing the exact same thing for about 3 days and she died about 5 mins ago.
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    Female Fighter Looking Ill (update... She Died)

    Update............. About 10 mins ago she seemed to be having alot of trouble getting to the top for air so we put her in a breeding trap to try and help her. She just sat there with her nose in the air most of the time and then sank to the bottom again. she seemed to be lifeless one min and...
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    Female Fighter Looking Ill (update... She Died)

    no she deff isnt getting picked on no other fish ever go near her. I will try feeding brine shrimp. ill let ya know how it goes
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    Female Fighter Looking Ill (update... She Died)

    2 Other betta females 4 neons 4 harlequinns 4 bleed hearets 3 silver tips 2 peppered cory's Everyone else is fine apart from her being a bit lazy P.s. I just fed them and she wasnt even interested. Hopfully pic will be commin soon.
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    Female Fighter Looking Ill (update... She Died)

    hi for the last couple of days my female fighter fish has started to be really inactive and keeps sitting on a plant and not moving alot. anyone have any ideas what could be wrong? all the water stats are fine and other than the sitting around she looks absolutely normal. all the other fish...
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    Fat Neon Tetra

    I have no idea lol. does that mean they could be pregnant?
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    Fat Neon Tetra

    I noticed 2 out of 4 of my neon tetras have got abnormally large bellys. they seem to be fine and healthy otherwise. any ideas????
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    Harlequin With Stringy Poo

    they get flake food and now and then live or frozen food. so i should just leave him?
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    Harlequin With Stringy Poo

    I noticed last night one of my harlequins has stringy poo... what causes this and do I have to do anything to stop it?
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    Where Did The Snail Come From?

    ok thanks It prob did come from the plants and i now have 2 lol
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    Terapin/turtle Advice

    Hi everyone I have been thinking bout getting a turtle or a terrapin.... I just wanted some advice really: What is the smallest turtle or terrapin you can get?? How big do they grow?? What size tank do you need?? and any other info would be appreciated really. Thanks
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    Where The Hell Did The Snail Come From

    Ok I have a 90 litre tank with: female fighter fish neons silvertips bleeding hearts herlequins peppered corys this morning i noticed there is a very small snail in the tank... where the hell could he have come from??? also will any of these fish kill him?
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    Where Did The Snail Come From?

    Ok I have a 90 litre tank with: female fighter fish neons silvertips bleeding hearts herlequins peppered corys this morning i noticed there is a very small snail in the tank... where the hell could he have come from??? also will any of these fish kill him?
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    Mini Tortoise

    hey all, was in my LFS and saw some mini tortoise's :S cant remember name but they where about 1.5inches long Any idea?
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    hmm they look like this but white here we go found a pic on the net, looks like this
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    10litre Tank Stocking

    Well the frogs in my LFS look like this but white
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    Hey all, was in my Local Fish Shop the other day and saw some small white water frogs :S They was clinging to the edge, I have a spare 4 gallon tank and im thinking of getting 1-2... Any information on these?
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    10litre Tank Stocking

    ooo a frog, is that them little white things? If so what do they need? any pebbles or sand? and what food? and fine with a filter and heater? any certain temp? And water wise are they the same as fish for water changes
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    10litre Tank Stocking

    well we had a male betta in there
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    10litre Tank Stocking

    hey all, as some might of seen my poor male betta died :( So im gonna empty the tank, put in new filters and do a whole new cycle *even if it takes a month* Now i dunno if i want another betta But what do ya reckon can go in this tank? it has a mini filter and a heater Few Guppies? Dannios?
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    Male Betta Has Died :(

    He was fine this morning :S I don't get it... weird!!!
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    Male Betta Has Died :(

    I don't understand :S Yesterday he was all happy blowing me a bubble nest Today i come home from work and he's dead with his gills really puffed out :S Any idea's? :(
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    Bubble Nest Advice

    lol yea he dont like being woken up either. i am getting him a brighter light at the weekend so he should be a bit more active. He didnt eat properly last night. So we are gonna give him some blood worms to see if he eats that
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    Bubble Nest Advice

    yea maybe he does lol Ill might try and get him a brighter light:)
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    Bubble Nest Advice

    Ok i will keep an eye on his eating. He dosen't get alot of natural light and we only have this light on half of the day. He just dosen't seem very active when only his light is on (sits on the bottom alot)....He seems alot more active when we turn a bigger light on in the room.
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    Bubble Nest Advice

    hiya, Our male has started to make a bubble nest today but we have noticed he isn't eating much.... is this normal? also is it ok to just leave him while he is making nests as we don't want to breed him really. also our male has a little red light in his tank but doesn't seem to be very...
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    Keeps Shredding Fins!

    our new betta keeps nipping bits off of his fins as well lol
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    What Happened To My Female Fighter Fish :(

    thats ok dude. well hope things get happier soon :P
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    What Happened To My Female Fighter Fish :(

    ok thanks we have done a water change and will keep an eye on the other fish:)
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    What Happened To My Female Fighter Fish :(

    im only joking lol
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    What Happened To My Female Fighter Fish :(

    can we stick to the subject please
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    What Happened To My Female Fighter Fish :(

    yea thats where my other girls red marks are I dont think she had inflamed gills either because 2 of my other females have exactly the smae marks. ill do the water change and see how the other fish are.. thanks
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    What Happened To My Female Fighter Fish :(

    ok ill do a water change. I dont think her gills were red due to illness coz most of my females have this and they are fine. Thanks alot :)
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    Female Fighter Being Bitten (looks Ill)

    Update: She died about half hour ago. Any idea y?
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    What Happened To My Female Fighter Fish :(

    Ok thanks im glad i didnt kill her by putting her in the trap. I will do a water change in a min. anyone know if i should treat the tank if it was parasite or bacterial?