Female Fighter Looking Ill (update... She Died)


Fish Crazy
Jul 28, 2008
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hi for the last couple of days my female fighter fish has started to be really inactive and keeps sitting on a plant and not moving alot.

anyone have any ideas what could be wrong?
all the water stats are fine and other than the sitting around she looks absolutely normal. all the other fish are fine too.
Sometimes Bettas get lazy...what other fish do you have with her?
2 Other betta females
4 neons
4 harlequinns
4 bleed hearets
3 silver tips
2 peppered cory's

Everyone else is fine apart from her being a bit lazy

P.s. I just fed them and she wasnt even interested. Hopfully pic will be commin soon.
That certainly is a lot of tankmates...How big is the tank?
Bettas, even females, sometimes have trouble in a community tank. Do you think she could be getting picked on?
try feeding frozen or live brine shrimp, no fish can resist that :hyper:
no she deff isnt getting picked on no other fish ever go near her. I will try feeding brine shrimp. ill let ya know how it goes
About 10 mins ago she seemed to be having alot of trouble getting to the top for air so we put her in a breeding trap to try and help her. She just sat there with her nose in the air most of the time and then sank to the bottom again. she seemed to be lifeless one min and then really active the next. She then jumped out of the breeder trap and back into the tank. she layed at the bottom for about 30 secs then stopped breathing.

I dont understand y she died. she was fine 3 days ago. over the last few days she has just been sitting on plants not doing much. but before that she was really active.

any help would be appreciated

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