What Happened To My Female Fighter Fish :(


Fish Crazy
Jul 28, 2008
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My new female fighter fish has been acting very lifeless and just sit on the bottom and wasn't moving much. so some1 suggested that I put her in a breeder trap. Which I did this morning. I posted a picture of her on here earlier and some1 said it could be swimbladder or internal parasites. this is the post: http://www.fishforums.net/content/Tropical...ten-looks-Ill-/

Well I just checked her again a min ago and she has died:(
Here are some pics of her: any idea what caused it? if it was a disease what shall I do as there were other fish in her tank?



Please help!
My new female fighter fish has been acting very lifeless and just sit on the bottom and wasn't moving much. so some1 suggested that I put her in a breeder trap. Which I did this morning. I posted a picture of her on here earlier and some1 said it could be swimbladder or internal parasites. this is the post: <a href="http://www.fishforums.net/content/Tropical...ten-looks-Ill-/" target="_blank">http://www.fishforums.net/content/Tropical...ten-looks-Ill-/</a>

Please help!

I edited the links to view pics.



Looks to me like fin and body rot, what are your water stats, this could of been caused by stress or poor water quality..
Looks like it may have been bloated as well which is a sign of internal parasites

What else was in the tank with it?
Well she was with 3 other female fighters, 4 silvertips, 4 bleeding hearts, 3 harlequins and 2 peppered corys.

We think she got nipped by the other females which is y her fins are hurt.

She was being really slow and falling on her side some time

Water levels checked yesterday:
amonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 10
PH 7.9

But we did have high nitrite and amonia, it only went down yesterday. We brought her monday.
Looks bacterial to me aswell.
Was her gills red and swollen.
R.I.P. Bless her.
Looks bacterial to me aswell.
Was her gills red and swollen.
R.I.P. Bless her.

I think she had red gills when we brought her. If it was bacterial should I do anything with the other fish in the tank?
I will leave wilder to help you, she is the best person with this type of stuff so take note of her info :)
Just do some water changes on the main tank.
Red inflamed gills can be bad water quality, gill flukes, bacterial.
Keep a look out for flicking and rubbing against objects in the tank.
Just do some water changes on the main tank.
Red inflamed gills can be bad water quality, gill flukes, bacterial.
Keep a look out for flicking and rubbing against objects in the tank.

ok thanks we have done a water change and will keep an eye on the other fish:)
Good luck.

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