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    Jumbo Ram Flicking And Rubbing

    i said the last time we did one..not now.. and i can't do one now... and about a year.. and yes im not thick
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    Jumbo Ram Flicking And Rubbing

    last time we started to do 75% water changes everyday we had a huge ammonia spike Also the test colors are alot closer to 0 then 0.25
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    Jumbo Ram Flicking And Rubbing

    we did about 50 yesterday
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    Jumbo Ram Flicking And Rubbing

    did a wc yesterday and the stats are still the same as the ones i just said. he has 2 little tiony pink/while clolour spots in him but other than that acting completely normal.
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    Jumbo Ram Flicking And Rubbing

    amonia: 0.25 nitrite: 0.25 nitrate 5.0 thats what they were a day or 2 ago, gonna check em again now
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    Jumbo Ram Flicking And Rubbing

    Hi guys My Jumbo Ram has got a little spot on his back by his top fin and today i noticed he has been rubbing and flicking against things. What do you think this could be?? Tank size 90 litres, water stats normal, fish include: 4 neons 4 silvertips 4 bleeding hearts, 1 female fighter fish...
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    What Could This Be?

    Hi everyone thanks for the help but he died yeaterday. i think it was bacterial as by the time he died he was covered in fluffy stuff. we did try a bactera med but it didnt cure him thanks anyways everyone
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    What Could This Be?

    Just had another look in the tankl and the white lump has got bigger now we r not sure if it is hole in the head. pictures follow........... Also this is my other thread about my bleeding heart.............
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    What Could This Be?

    Hi looking at the photos on the internet i think it is deffinately hole in the head. we will start cleaning the tank every day till it has gone i was just wondering if there was any medication avaliable to treat hole in the head????
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    What Could This Be?

    Hi i posted on here the other day about a bleeding heart with white bleeching under the skin. well today i noticed that my angel fish has got a white lump on his head. what could this be? I was wondering if both could have worms under their skin? Because thw other day i found a couple of...
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    White Growth On Bleeding Heart

    Just a bit of an update, i got a closer look at the bleeding heart today and its not a lump that sticks out its just a white discolouration under the skin. Is there anything else this could be?
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    White Growth On Bleeding Heart

    ok ill keep an eye on it thanks
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    White Growth On Bleeding Heart

    ok here are the pics. in the second one ignore the white patch on its nose that was just a reflection off the glass
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    White Growth On Bleeding Heart

    yea its 90 litre and the stats r all 0 or 0.25 as normal. at first i thought it was on top of the skin but now i think its a lump under the skin. no redness. the fish is acting normal and no there is no flicking or rubbing. its fins are not rotting it looks like the other bleeding hearts...
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    White Growth On Bleeding Heart

    Hi, I noticed today that my bleeding heart has got a white growth on its side it looks slightly fluffy and sticks out of her side. Water stats are all normal...havent added any new fish...the fish isnt beathing fast or acting abnormal even thou it does look a like it has a few bites in its tail...
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    Epson Salt Bath

    anyone know how to give one?
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    Angelfish Wont Stay Up Right/bloated

    do i treat him in the tank or seperately?
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    Angelfish Wont Stay Up Right/bloated

    how do you do a salt bath and where can i get the salt from?
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    Angelfish Wont Stay Up Right/bloated

    I noticed it this morning. one of my female bettas has the bloating too but she is swimming ok. i thought it mite be bacterial too so i treated with interpet anti internal bacteria med a min ago
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    Angelfish Wont Stay Up Right/bloated

    I have tried the peas and he wont eat them. water stats are amonie 0. nitrite 0. nitrate between 5 and 10
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    Some1 Please Help

    well i have put him in a breeder trap and he wont eat the pea. the other female has eaten it. i dont knnow what to do. i took some better pics of him...comming shortly.
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    Some1 Please Help

    well my angelfish cant swim upright anymore
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    Angelfish Wont Stay Up Right/bloated

    PLease help my anglefish cant swim propperly and it very bloated
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    Some1 Please Help

    I dont know if i will be able to give my angel the pea as he wont come out when i go over there like he used to. but i will try
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    Some1 Please Help

    here are the best pics i could get.....
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    Some1 Please Help

    Their scales are not sticking out. the tank is 90litres, been set up for bout 5 months. nothing new been added. water stats are all fine. feed nufrin flake food every other day(occasionally live food). we have got some neons, silver tips, bleeding hearts and bottom feeders in there as well. the...
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    Some1 Please Help

    Hi When i looked in my tank this morning my Angelfish and my female betta are both extremely fat. they were fine last night does anyone have any idea what could cause this????
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    Help With My Female Betta Please

    hi modaz we put melafix in her tank last night and her lips still look weird but her scales on her head arent sticking out as much. but any more advice would be appreciated. :)
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    Help With My Female Betta Please

    could be the start of dropsy which the scales sticking up, if so caught early so easier to treat but not 100% that it will be cured, if shes in a tank with others i would suggest keep her in there as the whole tank would need to be treated anyway, you will get a load of "get her out" "add salts"...
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    Help With My Female Betta Please

    Hi, I have got a female fishting fish and she started to act a bit odd last week (Laying up against the filter and not moving alot). today i noticed that it seems as thou a couple of scales on her head are sticking up and also like she has got her lips missing. it almost looks as thou her head...
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    i haved tried and he isnt moving i think he is dead. ill leave him for a while just to make sure. thatnks anyway
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    no we dont but i think he is dead hasnt moved for over half hour
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    yea he is laying on one side he was doing this for long perioda of time earlier. earlier he looked like he was breating one min then had stopped the next. now i cant see him breating at all. he isnt turning upside down but when he did swim earler it was on his side
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    yea we did that earlier coz it was too hard to look at him and give him a pea with all of the other fish around
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    its hard to tell coz they stopped moving earlier but he was still alive. also hes white so u cant really see them move easily
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    Hes not that thin hes the same as he was when we got him. yea i read it. as i say he ate a bit of pea earlier but he hasnt moved for a while...think he mite be dead
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    hes an angel fish and only a baby so he has always been thin it seems to have trouble maintaining its balance but most of the time dosent swim at all bout 2 days ago i noticed his poo was a bit stringy but havent seen him go today anus dosent look enlarged or red his tummy looks the same as...
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    Its 90 litres 4 neons 4 silvertips 2 female fighters 2 angel fish (one of which is the ill one) 2 peppered corys and a coupple of mystery snails lol Will post water stats in a sec as was just testing fish is not bloated swims on its side then sinks and dosent move for ages. any idea what it...
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    My angel fish is laying on the bottom of the tank and keeps trying to swim then sinking again. what could this mean????
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    Is This Cotton Mouth?

    i think it is either cotton mouth or a cut. so i have put melafix in as it says it cures cuts and mouth fungus. so hopfully it will go away soon lol