I noticed today that my bleeding heart has got a white growth on its side it looks slightly fluffy and sticks out of her side. Water stats are all normal...havent added any new fish...the fish isnt beathing fast or acting abnormal even thou it does look a like it has a few bites in its tail.
it is in with other bleeding hearts, tetras, silvertips, female fighters, an angel fish and peppered corys.
Also my female fighters keep fighting and one is getting pretty beat up anything i can do to help this?
I noticed today that my bleeding heart has got a white growth on its side it looks slightly fluffy and sticks out of her side. Water stats are all normal...havent added any new fish...the fish isnt beathing fast or acting abnormal even thou it does look a like it has a few bites in its tail.
it is in with other bleeding hearts, tetras, silvertips, female fighters, an angel fish and peppered corys.
Also my female fighters keep fighting and one is getting pretty beat up anything i can do to help this?