What Could This Be?


Fish Crazy
Jul 28, 2008
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Hi i posted on here the other day about a bleeding heart with white bleeching under the skin.

well today i noticed that my angel fish has got a white lump on his head. what could this be?

I was wondering if both could have worms under their skin?

Because thw other day i found a couple of verry small fat worms on the side of the tank

Any help would be appreciated

Btw the angel is also flicking his head.

better pictures.....



The white lump on the angel's head could be the start of hole in the head disease, also known as head and lateral line disease.
It often occurs in dirty tanks or tanks with lots of rotting material in, (dirty gravel and filter).
The flatworms on the glass are planaria and are associated with lots of rotting matter in the tank. They normally live in the gravel but when it gets too dirty they crawl out and cover the glass and ornaments in the tank.
Try doing a 40-50% water change and complete gravel clean each day for a week. Make sure any new water is free of chlorine and has a similar temperature & PH to the tank.
Check and clean the filter and if it hasn't been done in the last month.

If you could post a picture of the sick fish it will be easier to diagnose.
Hi looking at the photos on the internet i think it is deffinately hole in the head.

we will start cleaning the tank every day till it has gone

i was just wondering if there was any medication avaliable to treat hole in the head????
esha hexamita is very good for helping with HITH disease, i have used it with one of my oscars.
also keep water quality pristine and it should heal with no problems :)
Just had another look in the tankl and the white lump has got bigger now we r not sure if it is hole in the head.

pictures follow...........





Also this is my other thread about my bleeding heart.............http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?showtopic=265228
quite often the white bit that comes out of the fish (in hole in the head disease) is puss and it can get bigger before it comes out completely. It's a bit like a pimple and eventually the white stuff will come out and there will be a small pit/ hole where the stuff came from.
Try to clean the tank conditions up and see how it is in a week. Then start treating if you need to.
Hi everyone thanks for the help but he died yeaterday. i think it was bacterial as by the time he died he was covered in fluffy stuff. we did try a bactera med but it didnt cure him

thanks anyways everyone
Bless him R.I.P.

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