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  1. P

    Cichlids Problem

    I have an external hang on filter and a internal fluval, which I usually tilt so that it creates surface agitation. However I can only do that during the day, otherwise it stops me sleeping. My temp is usually around 78-79 Is that too high?
  2. P

    Cichlids Problem

    Hi, I have around five malawi cichlids and one ruby shark in my 55gallon aquarium, all the water parameters are correct and I fully fishless cycled my tank before adding fish! Anyway recently my cichlids have been opening and closing their mouths constantly. I can't see it being a lack of oxygen...
  3. P

    Large Community Fish

    Yeah changing all, emptying and re stocking. My PH is correct as they prefer water above seven but ideally 8.2 -8.5 ish if I'm correct! As for the warter hardness! I'm not sure, ill need to check that before I start My PH Is 8.1
  4. P

    Nitrates Don't Change

    Wow I feel like an idiot! After doing that the reading is between 10-20ppm so that was my problem. Thanks
  5. P

    Nitrates Don't Change

    Yes API master test kit! I have just redone my nitrate test shaking both bottles ridiculously excessively will tell you my readings in a couple of minutes
  6. P

    Nitrates Don't Change

    No, I planted but they didn't last so all I have now if fake plants! I really can't get my head round this
  7. P

    Large Community Fish

    Going to change to malawi cichlids I think! Cheers
  8. P

    Nitrates Don't Change

    Hi, I set up a community tank maybe 3 1/2 months ago. For the first month I did a fishless cycle dosing up to 5ppm ammonia every morning until both ammonia and nitrites went back to zero in between 6-8 hours! I was doing fortnightly (at least) water changes (40%) Anyway I noticed my nitrates...
  9. P

    Male Guppies

    I have the api master test kit! Yeah I did wonder why my nitrates never go much higher! Yet my ammonia and nitrite are always 0 Even the females look healthy
  10. P

    Male Guppies

    The other one has just died too now!!
  11. P

    Male Guppies

    Yeah sorry pal, I was dosing ammonia every day
  12. P

    Male Guppies

    The tank is 3 months old! I fishless cycled it for a month The tank is 45gallon, 4ft long 18inch high and 12 inch wide! Not added anything recently apart from plastic plants. Nitrite is 0 Ammonia is 0 Nitrate is 0.25 Ph is 7.4 I don't add any chemicals, and I do a water change once every ten...
  13. P

    Male Guppies

    Hi, in my aquarium I had a group of guppies (2 males, 7 females) I noticed the other day both males were fading colour and very lethargic. One has since disapeared and the other is seriously struggling! I've placed him in a breeder pot. I had white spot, then I treat it with salt and its cleared...
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    Thanks for all the information
  15. P


    Ok cheers, I'm going to leave it a while and research it properly! I'm sure ill find some larger attractive species to add! I wanted cichlids but I know they are semi aggressive towards other fish!
  16. P


    70 gallon Also if not, can anyone recommend a suitable larger community tank fish! I've thought gourami etc
  17. P


    Ok cheers I may try it and see what happens
  18. P


    At the moment the ruby is only very small, I was wondering if I gt young discus they may get used to the other fish therefore not eating them or being stressed by them in the end, but I know they aren't easy to keep, especially in a community aquarium
  19. P


    Hi, I'm planning on putting discus in my community tank, I currently have neon tetras, danios, guppies, platies and a ruby shark! My aquarium is quite large and I was hoping to introduce some discus fish (2/3) Anyway all my water qualities seem fine for the keep of discus! The only things I'm...
  20. P

    Large Community Fish

    I had looked at the blue gourami and gold gourami! Not sure if that helps! Angelfish will eat tetras
  21. P

    Large Community Fish

    I thought they could work, by the way I meant platies not mollies. Anyway I was told recently that they would chase the small fish! Think I will try them though cheers
  22. P

    Large Community Fish

    Hi, I have a 4ft, i think 50gallon aquarium with guppies, neon and black tetras, and zebra danios. However I would like to add some larger species as well as some colourful mollies! Could anyone recommend some preferably colourful larger fish to add that wont eat my smaller fish! Cheers Josh
  23. P

    Cichlids Or Community Tank

    Oh really, this I did not know. Thanks! I thought they stayed reasonably small! However I knew about the groups thing
  24. P

    Cichlids Or Community Tank

    Wow they are expensive! Are these not adequate for a community tank with not too many fish? Like 10 neons a few silver sharks and maybe one or two additions
  25. P

    Cichlids Or Community Tank

    I was wondering actually about that because my tank is more longer than anything it's wide ish but the hight is only 18". So that's good then! I was looking at the lake Malawi cichlids to be honest ? My tank has the 'all pond solutions 600lph hang on filter' and a fluval 400! So this won't be...
  26. P

    Cloudy Water/ammonia Question

    Nightmare, randomly my ammonia levels have gone up over night and I have no idea why! It's gone to eight
  27. P

    Cichlids Or Community Tank

    My ph is around 7.8 at the moment
  28. P

    Cichlids Or Community Tank

    Cheers pal Sorry mine is a 120 gallon tank not ltr!
  29. P

    Cloudy Water/ammonia Question

    I see so once my ammonia is converting to nitrIte and my nitrIte is being converted into nitrAte they should read Ammonia - 0 NitrIte - 0 NitrAte - whatever Then do a large water change and I'm ready for fish. Thanks
  30. P

    Soapy Bubbles On Surface Water

    No we sure dont Thanks by the way! Appreciated
  31. P

    Cichlids Or Community Tank

    Okay thanks for the advise, I will take it! Community tank it is! At least until I know what I'm doing and have a larger aquarium
  32. P

    Soapy Bubbles On Surface Water

    Yes it is and when I put the filter under the bubbles go, does this mean they are simply air bubbles and I have nothing to worry about?
  33. P

    Cichlids Or Community Tank

    I have a 120ltr tank cycling at the moment and I'm struggling to decide between a community tank or a cichlids tank! I was looking for some information and personal opinions! Here are things I'd like to know.... - which is most expensive and if that's by a substantial amount - which is...
  34. P

    Soapy Bubbles On Surface Water

    I added a bacterial solution a while ago but I have done a 75% water change since then! The bubbles are only there when my fluval filter output is half above the water line. I do that to create aeration whilst cycling. When I put it under they go away
  35. P

    Soapy Bubbles On Surface Water

    Weirdly it doesn't have an ingredients list which along with shaking it prior to buying it told me it was pure ammonia and water? It doesn't bubble at all when you shake it so I can't see why this would cause it to in the aquarium! It's called 'knock out'. I'm thinking the bubbles could just be...
  36. P

    Soapy Bubbles On Surface Water

    Hi guys, I have very recently started a 120ltr fishless cycle adding ammonia to start cycle! I do not have any filter media from an established aquarium so I understand its going to take longer! Anyway the tank has been set up for nearly a week, I had problems with cloudy water so...
  37. P

    Cloudy Water/ammonia Question

    Great help cheers! Will post when anything significant changes. Thanks again
  38. P

    Beginning to think I'm too impatient for all this! Determined to do it though

    Beginning to think I'm too impatient for all this! Determined to do it though
  39. P

    Cloudy Water/ammonia Question

    ]Ok, so I needn't worry if it now takes days to drop? But once it does I should take it back up to 4ppm until its taking between 6-12 hours to go back down! And the nitrite is 0 and nitrate is 0-20ppm? Am I right
  40. P

    Cloudy Water/ammonia Question

    Roughly how long should it take to drop from 4ppm or is that unpredictable