Cichlids Or Community Tank

Porky p

New Member
Oct 30, 2012
Reaction score
I have a 120ltr tank cycling at the moment and I'm struggling to decide between a community tank or a cichlids tank!
I was looking for some information and personal opinions! Here are things I'd like to know....

- which is most expensive and if that's by a substantial amount
- which is usually the most bright and colourful (I'm thinking cichlids)
- which is easier to look after
- which would you recomend (bare in mind I'm a newbie)

Any input is massively appreciated cheers
As you're a newbie (as you put it) i would vote for the community tank..without wanting to sound harsh, i would much rather lose a £2 fish whilst on my 'learning curve' than an £18 one, any day.
My signature consists of the stocking in my 110L, a peaceful community set-up, if that helps at all.

I would go with a community tank first, and then maybe think about another tank or upgrading later, if you still want cichlids. There are plenty of interesting/colourful fish that are easier to keep, whereas with cichlids, you really need to know what you are doing first, as many of them have pretty specific water requirements, tank mates, etc. And TBH, in a 120L tank, you would struggle to keep much in the way of cichlids anyways, except for maybe a few dwarf species, etc.
Okay thanks for the advise, I will take it!
Community tank it is! At least until I know what I'm doing and have a larger aquarium
Okay thanks for the advise, I will take it!
Community tank it is! At least until I know what I'm doing and have a larger aquarium
Thats pretty much the best idea, while I was saving up for my 125 gallon I researched fish stocks/types/sizes etc for prob a month. Better then having them all die or being told you have to rehome them in notime
Cheers pal

Sorry mine is a 120 gallon tank not ltr!
120 gallon? I'd go for the cichlids. I don't think they are more difficult than community, they are actually easier IMO as you won't have plants to look after. What is your ph like? If it is on the high side, you could easily go for a mbuna set up. They are colourful, big and have a personality. And it doesn't have to be expensive. I got all my rock (limestone) for free from various sources. The fish I bought as juveniles from local sellers (preloved / gumtree / FB groups...) for £1 - £2 each. I have seen them grow up which is nice. The only thing is that I do larger water changes on that tank, 50% a week, to keep the nitrates down, but otherwise this tank is the easiest to look after and the rewards are immense. They come to the glass, they know me, I hand feed them. Much more fun than community. I obviously also love my community fish, but for a tank that size, I'd always go for cichlids.
AAh then it's large enough for them but I'd still go with a community for the first tank
My ph is around 7.8 at the moment

That's perfect for them. The actual lake has this ph, some people think it is much higher, but it isn't. Honestly, go for it if you like them. And as I said, it doesn't have to be costly. Plus, a ph this high will limit you on community fish, as most will prefer less, so this is really your better option.
Cichlids are no harder to care for than any community fish and in a 120gal I would go with some smaller SA/CA cichlids. I also have a 120gal with a blue thai silk flowerhorn. Best fish iv ever had, and iv had loads of different fish lol

What are the dimensions of the tank? This is more important than the actual tank volume as most cichlids do better with more tank length and depth. They don't really need high tanks. High tanks are good for things like angels and discus.

What type of cichlids is your interested in? The only thing I'd say is cichlids tend to be messy and because of their potential size (depending on which you go for) they do need a lot of filtration. I'd aim for upwards of 5x your tank volume, so you would be looking at a minimum of around 2250LPH (600gph) true water turnover.

As an example on my 120gal I have got 2 x tetratec ex1200's and a fluval 4 plus (just to help out with water movement) giving me a combined turnover of around 2600LPH (690gph). I also do 2 x weekly 40-50% water changes and gravel vacs. My PH is 8.2. Nitrates 20. Nitrite and ammonia always 0.

Like I said this is just an example and your tank obviously won't be the same as mine apart from the ammonia and nitrites being 0
I was wondering actually about that because my tank is more longer than anything it's wide ish but the hight is only 18". So that's good then!
I was looking at the lake Malawi cichlids to be honest ? My tank has the 'all pond solutions 600lph hang on filter' and a fluval 400! So this won't be sufficient?
I have a fair amount of time to decide yet as my tank is at the very beginning of its cycle!
Well at least you have plenty of time to get everything right :good:

I would say that wont be enough filtration. Best bet with cichlids of any type (as well as other fish) in a tank of that size is to go with 1 very powerful external canister (like a fluval fx5) or 2 external canisters like 2 x tetratec ex1200's or fluval 405's/406's.

That way not only do you have enough filtration but if 1 filter was to break for what ever reason then you still have a back up with sufficient power to get you by until you fix or replace the broken filter :)

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