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  1. E

    Help With Catfish Id

    thanks for that. do you think my tank is big enough? its a 60 litre tank. cheers!!
  2. E

    Help With Catfish Id

    Hi, wonder if anyone can help me. This fish was sold to me as an upside down catfish... now Im having serious doubts. It rarely swims upside down compared to ones in another shop, and its growing v quickly. when i first bought it it was more stripy then spotty, has developed the spots recently...
  3. Syno.JPG


  4. E

    Platy Still Pregnant?

    Thanks for that!! will def ask around my LFS's. I will check out the swapping forum too, thanks. hopefully will find some people near by... what a good idea!
  5. E

    Platy Still Pregnant?

    Thanks for that bit of information!! I know now to expect some more fry some time. Thanks also for your advice!! much appreciated.
  6. E

    Platy Still Pregnant?

    Hi, a few days ago my Platy unexpectidly had some babies!! unfortunatly I was at work at the time and only managed to rescue one. The thing is my Platy is still rather fat, infact seems even fatter than just before she had the baby. Could she still be pregnant? Or is she just fat? I've noticed...
  7. E

    Aggressive Female Platy

    You were right!! she was pregant!!! :-)
  8. E

    Ill Platy?

    Thanks for both of your responses. getting another platy to even out the ratio seems like a good idea. Ive had a good look and apart from the poo everything else is normal, no redness or swelling around the anus. i will do as you suggest and check for improvements!! if it is an internal...
  9. E

    Ill Platy?

    Hi! was wondering if anyone could help me. I have two female platys which Ive had for a month or so. Theyve got on well but today one started being aggressive towards the other, nipping and ramming. Ive just noticed that the one being attacked has white poo. could she be ill? could this be why...
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    Aggressive Female Platy

    Thank you v much!! :good:
  11. E

    Aggressive Female Platy

    Hi! thanks for that. I did wonder if this could perhaps be the case- i dont have any males though so how long r they pregnant for usually? Ive just had another look and I noticed white poo coming from the attacked platy. Could this maybe be an internal parasite? :-S do they attack if they r ill...
  12. E

    Aggressive Female Platy

    Hi! I've had two female platys for about a month and a half. Theyve been gettin on great... until today. One of the female platys has suddenly turned on the other- ramming and nipping. the poor platy being attacked spends a lot of time hiding in the plants now. When I first got the platy now...