I've had two female platys for about a month and a half. Theyve been gettin on great... until today. One of the female platys has suddenly turned on the other- ramming and nipping. the poor platy being attacked spends a lot of time hiding in the plants now. When I first got the platy now being attacked home i realised it was missing a fin. Ive read somewhere platys turn on the injured... but if this is the case why has she only just turned on her? I hope someone can help! I also have 5 neon tetras, four corys and an upside down catfish- all healthy. water levels- nitrite 0, ammonia 0 and nitrates about 15 so they all seem fine. 60 litre tank. thanx in advance for help!
I've had two female platys for about a month and a half. Theyve been gettin on great... until today. One of the female platys has suddenly turned on the other- ramming and nipping. the poor platy being attacked spends a lot of time hiding in the plants now. When I first got the platy now being attacked home i realised it was missing a fin. Ive read somewhere platys turn on the injured... but if this is the case why has she only just turned on her? I hope someone can help! I also have 5 neon tetras, four corys and an upside down catfish- all healthy. water levels- nitrite 0, ammonia 0 and nitrates about 15 so they all seem fine. 60 litre tank. thanx in advance for help!