Aggressive Female Platy


New Member
Apr 15, 2007
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I've had two female platys for about a month and a half. Theyve been gettin on great... until today. One of the female platys has suddenly turned on the other- ramming and nipping. the poor platy being attacked spends a lot of time hiding in the plants now. When I first got the platy now being attacked home i realised it was missing a fin. Ive read somewhere platys turn on the injured... but if this is the case why has she only just turned on her? I hope someone can help! I also have 5 neon tetras, four corys and an upside down catfish- all healthy. water levels- nitrite 0, ammonia 0 and nitrates about 15 so they all seem fine. 60 litre tank. thanx in advance for help!
is there any possibility she could be pregnant as some do get aggressive when ready to give birth, or it could just be a dominace issue, if it doesn't stop in a few days or gets worse then try seperating the bully one for a while
Hi! thanks for that. I did wonder if this could perhaps be the case- i dont have any males though so how long r they pregnant for usually? Ive just had another look and I noticed white poo coming from the attacked platy. Could this maybe be an internal parasite? :-S do they attack if they r ill also? Thankyou v much!!

Hi! thanks for that. I did wonder if this could perhaps be the case- i dont have any males though so how long r they pregnant for usually? Ive just had another look and I noticed white poo coming from the attacked platy. Could this maybe be an internal parasite? :-S do they attack if they r ill also? Thankyou v much!!
sorry- didnt mean to put a partying emoticon there- i look like a cruel owner now!!! :blush:
well i'm not sure about the stingy poo, but they are pregnant for around 4 weeks but can store the sperm for 7 months, maybe make a topic about the stringy poo in the emergencies section just in case :good:

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