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    55 Gallon Tank Current Status

    I am trying to diet route. The water is fine. The color didnt fade until they started eating the algae tablets. I am simply not putting algae tablets in there anymore. We will see how that works out. Thanks to everyone. Now I just need to figure out these yellow spots.
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    55 Gallon Tank Current Status

    The tank is temporarily overstocked. I stated that in the beginning :) The gouramis and the mollies seem to get along fine. No chasing, nipping, or any strange behavior at all between them. Also on losing color.. I have read in a few places that losing color was mostly a sign of not having a...
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    55 Gallon Tank Current Status

    Hello everyone, First of all let me say that I think my tank is a little crowded and I plan to get a second smaller tank soon. I have been watching all of the fish very closely on a daily basis. I have around 50-60 inches of fish and with 1 gallon per inch of fish I think the tank is full. For...
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    Pregnant Molly In Hiding

    So, I have heard that female Guppies hide when they are pregnant. Is the same true for mollies? My female Black Molly is hiding in my boat deco and wont eat or leave the boat.. Anyone have some ideas about whats going on?
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    Newb Present

    Thanks for the warm welcome :)
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    Newb Present

    Hello everyone, Already been on the forums for around a week or so and am up to 20 posts so far. Just neglected to stop in here and say hello to everyone. I am on my second tank. My first was a success til I had to ship it to my in laws when I had to move years ago.. they all died and I lost my...
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    Dyed Fish Sales Not Being Outlawed In Uk

    Is there a difference between injected and genetically altered colored fish? I saw some fish the other day that were "genetically altered" with jelly fish dna.. so the sign said. The fish looked cool but I wanted to look into the details before I got any.
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    Yoyo Loaches....why Are They Displaying This Behavior?

    My 2 Dojo Loaches are doing the same thing and barely eating as well. I read that a lot of Loaches like to jump out of water and are very good at it. I read about my loaches here: Maybe this will help you? :) Good luck.
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    A Couple Questions About Breeder Nets And Compartments

    I have been reading a lot on breeding since I had a pregnant Molly myself. I bought a floating plastic breeding trap and a net breeding trap as well. Based on what I have read and watched in videos.. The plastic floating breeder trap is better but not by much. They both seem to get the job done...
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    My Marble Angels

    You make me want Angels :)
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    Need Help With Pregnant Black Molly

    Ok, I read some where that Mollies are bred almost exactly like Guppies. I wonder if they have the same mannerisms as well.. I did get a second breeding trap from Walmart. It isn't all that great but it will work for now I suppose. Thanks for the input :)
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    I know someone with sand in one of his tanks. He tells me its far harder to clean and actually looks dirty faster than gravel.
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    Need Help With Pregnant Black Molly

    I bought a Black Molly today and it's pregnant. I have been reading different material on this subject and as usual I am getting mixed advice on the topic. I have a plastic breeding trap but it already has 5 Spotted Molly babies in it which I had to save from the main tank. I am afraid they may...
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    Mollies Are Greedy!

    Looks like I have a Gold Dojo Loach a.k.a. Weather Loach and Weatherfish. No name was on the tank or the receipt so the best I could do was look up pictures. I read that they are social bottom feeders and will eat anything. Temp 75-80 degrees. Anyone have any info on these beyond this?
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    Mollies Are Greedy!

    Ok cool.. I guess thats what Ill have to do too. I threw in some fish flakes and loach food at the same time so the loach could eat his stuff while the other fish were busy with the flakes.
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    Mollies Are Greedy!

    I bought shrimp pellets for a Loach I got today. The Loach adapted to the tank almost right away. Was unhappy maybe 5 minutes before it started acting normal. Then it started looking for food. By the time it started looking the Mollies ate it all even though I just fed them their fish flakes...
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    Baby Fish Born Recently

    The Pet Smart near me now has a fish testing kit available which I can buy Friday when I have some money. I found another baby fish under my sunken boat deco. I bought a breeding trap and the 2 babies are now inside it. I also bought them some baby fish food from Pet Smart and they are eating...
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    Baby Fish Born Recently

    All the info is here: This is my only tank and I don't know anything about a breeding trap. I have never seen a baby fish born in my old tank. Looking up "breeding trap" now. Thanks. :)
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    Baby Fish Born Recently

    Getting a picture of this baby fish is very hard. I need to know what I can feed it and what precautions I need to take to keep it from getting eaten by the other fish. I thought that the female molly looked pregnant and I still think it looks pregnant.. Also a fish just died in the tank a day...
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    Platy Problems

    Have not changed the water once as it is only a few days old. (I thought it was bad to change the water at early stages?) I feed 2-3 times a day depending on my schedule. No discoloration. Breathing seems steady and regular. Water is still foggy.
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    Mentoring Me

    Sorry missed "What's the enzyme salt for?" A girl at pet smart suggested it. Its suppose to relieve stress for the fish. Looks similar to a Longfin White Skirt Tetra. yes.gif Not the same fish. The fish name starts with "Blushing"
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    Mentoring Me

    Thanks a lot :)
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    Platy Problems

    Completely new tank 55 gallon tank (Sitting on a birch aquarium stand that I built with my father and wife) 2 thermometers (1 strip and 1 standard) one is on the left near the heater and one is on the right very far from the heater. 1 Bubbler that has 2 outputs for air (1 is in use for a sunken...
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    Mentoring Me

    Community tank experts please consider my request. I am on my second fish tank ever. The first tank was: 30 gallon tank I do no remember any info on the pump, heater, or chemicals I used. This was years ago. Fish: 2 Dwarf Gouramis, 2 Plecos (I think that was their name) sucker fish 3...
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    Platy Problems

    I have some Mollys and Platys in a tanks together. The Mollys are fine and the Platys are not eating ang getting very weak. I assume they will die soon. Is there anything I can do? Can anyone list ideal conditions for platys according to experience? I have found mixed results via google...