55 Gallon Tank Current Status


New Member
Aug 20, 2007
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Irmo, SC
Hello everyone,

First of all let me say that I think my tank is a little crowded and I plan to get a second smaller tank soon. I have been watching all of the fish very closely on a daily basis. I have around 50-60 inches of fish and with 1 gallon per inch of fish I think the tank is full. For those of you that read through this.. What I am looking for is various opinions on some of the issues I have stated below. I had my water tested, cleaned my tank, and did a 10% water change all very recently. The water test was fine. The tank maintains 76-78 degrees which seems to be the best range for the variety of fish I have.

2 Dojo Loaches - Suppose to eat flake and shrimp pellets... all they eat is algae tablets with occasional flakes and are losing their color. They seem healthy but are almost white. They should be orange and pink.

2 Spotted Mollies - Eating normally and one of them has some slight yellow spots.

2 Black Mollies - Eating normally and one of them is losing pigment and becoming more aggressive.

2 White Mollies - Eating normally and very healthy.

2 Blushing High Fin Tetras - Eating normally and slightly aggressive toward other fish.

2 Sunset Gouramis - Eating normally but losing pigment.

3 Mystery Snails - All seem to be doing fine.

6 Neon Tetras - Do not seem to get enough food at times but appear healthy.

1 Small Pleco - Eating normally and healthy.

2 Mickey Mouse Platy - Eating normally and one of them has some slight yellow spots.

2 Plumetail Platy - Eating normally and slightly aggressive toward the Mickey Mouse Platy.

2 Angels (Marbled Angel Fish?) - Still under observation.

8 baby Guppies - Eating normally and growing rapidly in a breeding trap.

9 baby Spotted Mollies - Eating normally and growing faster than the Guppies in their own breeding trap.

1 small brown snail.. It has laid loads of eggs in one of the breeding traps.. I assume this is the kind of brown snail that everyone hates. So I was wondering if Clown Loaches would mix well with my existing fish population. If so then snail problem solved.

Thanks for looking and thanks in advance for any responses :)
Losing colour can be a sign of stress, and I do see several issues in your tank:

1) mollies dislike gouramis for some reason, and don't go together well. This might be the reason why the gouramis are losing colour.

2) tetras like to be in shoals, it would be better to make sure you have 5-6 of the blushing high fin tetras.

3) the same goes for your dojo loaches; a group of 3 is the absolute minimum. They love each other's company!

I have no clue what the yellow spots could be, though. Hopefully somebody else can help you with that.
The tank is temporarily overstocked. I stated that in the beginning :)

The gouramis and the mollies seem to get along fine. No chasing, nipping, or any strange behavior at all between them.

Also on losing color.. I have read in a few places that losing color was mostly a sign of not having a proper diet. As far as the loaches losing color is concerned they only eat the algae tablets and occasional flake. Based on everything I have read.. Loaches dont eat algae.
color loss can be many things. If it suddenly happens its probably from bad water quality, if it slowly lost color little by little, it could be diet, but neither are certain facts.
color loss can be many things. If it suddenly happens its probably from bad water quality, if it slowly lost color little by little, it could be diet, but neither are certain facts.

I am trying to diet route. The water is fine. The color didnt fade until they started eating the algae tablets. I am simply not putting algae tablets in there anymore. We will see how that works out.

Thanks to everyone.

Now I just need to figure out these yellow spots.

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