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  1. M

    White Spot

    Just to let you know dthoffsett is a she not a he. I have a red coral saulosi that flicks, i'm not too worried, just keep an eye on them.
  2. M

    Cichlids Hiding And Not Moving-desperate For Help Pls!

    No to all the above Did a 50% change on friday, will do another. On a positive note the other fish look well. But i'm not taking the risk of losing any more.
  3. M

    Cichlids Hiding And Not Moving-desperate For Help Pls!

    Went in this morning, both the fish i was worried about have died and most of the rest were at the top of the tank as if they were gasping for air. I have turned the air stones on, but i'm really stuck as to what to do now. Poo on the fish is normal, 1 of them did have a white poo, but apart...
  4. M

    Cichlids Hiding And Not Moving-desperate For Help Pls!

    Apart from the spengerae-rusty cichlid, i don't know what the common names ae-sorry. No flicking or rubbing Plenty of aeration Fish look the same Fish are lethargic They can maintain their balance Still not seen the poo yet-they aren't coming up for food Fish look normal, but as they aren't...
  5. M

    Cichlids Hiding And Not Moving-desperate For Help Pls!

    Haven't noticed any white poo, but i would say there is rapid breathing.
  6. M

    Cichlids Hiding And Not Moving-desperate For Help Pls!

    Hi I don't know what to do. Water stats Nitrites - 0 Ammonia - 0 Nitrates - 20 Kh - 10 drops in API Test (don't really understand the how to read the test) GH - 20 drops in the API Test I have lost (yesterday) a ps.saulosi, she/he was just hiding in the same place-not eating or moving. Today...
  7. M

    Tropical Breakdown - Everything Going Inc Tank And Fx5

    I would have loved it, but at the moment i'm forking out for new school uniforms. Had to weigh up what was more important and on this occasion the uniform has narrowly pipped the fx5 to the post.
  8. M

    Tropical Breakdown - Everything Going Inc Tank And Fx5

    How much were you thinking of?
  9. M

    Tropical Breakdown - Everything Going Inc Tank And Fx5

    Have you sold the FX5 that was listed in the title, have had a quick flick thru, but can't see it mentioned?
  10. M

    Cichlids For Sale - No Postage

    The THORICHTHYS AUREUS are beautiful....have a free bump.
  11. M

    My Filter Ok?

    I'm using a fluval u2 in my 60 litre that has guppies, mollys and platys in.
  12. M

    Multiple Fish Deaths

    I'm fairly new to this, but shoudn't the nitrate be below 40?
  13. M

    ! Beautiful Guppy Fry - Can Post To Mainland U.k !

    The website is dead at the mo.
  14. M

    ! Beautiful Guppy Fry - Can Post To Mainland U.k !

    Those pics are all of the same fish, aren't they?
  15. M

    Can Anyone Help Me Identify

    Hi Guys, Me and my bro have seen some cichlids in the lfs in a mixed tank and were wondering if you couold help us to identify them. Thanks in advance.
  16. M

    Guppy Fry - Free

    Gave 6 to the headteacher at my kids school this morning, so now down to around 10.
  17. M

    Guppy Fry - Free

    Now thats a good idea, thanks Rooster. If anyone wants them posting send me the packaging and i'll post them at cost and you can pay by paypal to cover postage.
  18. M

    Guppy Fry - Free

    Wow, thanks. I just assumed i'd be overfeeding them if i fed them more than twice a day.
  19. M

    Guppy Fry - Free

    Is there anyone around this area thats looking for guppies?
  20. M

    New Batch Of Aquarium Slate Breeding Caves For Sale ! Limited Supp

    Picked mine up from royal mail depot on tuesday, and just want to recommend them to anyone thinking of buying them. They were well packaged and are fab. Thanks again.
  21. M

    Guppy Fry - Free

    Fraid not, have none of the relevant bags, packing etc, and wouldn;t have a clue where to start. I feed them once a day, and they have an occasional treat of bloodworm, it would appear that all that were born from that group have survived, which is why i said they are growing well. I said...
  22. M

    Guppy Fry - Free

    Livestock:Guppy Fry Quantity for sale:15ish, they don't stay still long enough to be counted Reason for Sale:Too many in my tank Delivery or Collection:Collection from Nottingham-city centre Sales price: Free Postage & Packaging: n/a Location: Nottingham Photograph: Too difficult to get a...
  23. M

    New Batch Of Aquarium Slate Breeding Caves For Sale ! Limited Supp

    Hi, if i were to buy 3 off you, would you be able to do me a discount on the postage? ;)
  24. M

    Red Coral Saulosi Cichlid Has No Fin!

    I'm afraid there is just no fin at all. Seems to be doing ok with the others though and swims around ok, i just feel so sorry for it.
  25. M

    Red Coral Saulosi Cichlid Has No Fin!

    Hi I bought a couple of the above fish today and got home to discover 1 has only one fin on its side(the one they use to swim with). This may sound stupid but will the fin grow back? His/her (now named Nemo by my son) tail is ragged too, so must have been bullied in the lfs.
  26. M

    Red Coral Saulosi Cichlid With No Fin

    Hi I bought a couple of the above fish today and got home to discover 1 has only one fin on its side(the one they use to swim with). This may sound stupid but will the fin grow back? His/her (now named Nemo by my son) tail is ragged too, so must have been bullied in the lfs.
  27. M

    Sold! Sold! Sold!

    Can you let me know if you've had chance to post this yet?
  28. M

    Sold! Sold! Sold!

    As long as you don't mind, as i said i don't want to step on anyones toes.
  29. M

    Sold! Sold! Sold!

    Ok, i don't want to tread on anyones toes, but i'm still interested if the sale doesn't go through and i can pay straight away. Would need to have it delivered though, willing to match whats been offered-£40 delivered.
  30. M

    Juwel Rio 300 + Equipment

    I'm interested in the 405 if you're willing to split?
  31. M

    Sold! Sold! Sold!

    I know you said you don't want to post, but if you change your mind-i'll offer £35 delivered.
  32. M

    Zebra Pleco's Breeding Group 24hrs Left @ Auction

    Wow, you must be pleased with what you got? Although sad to see them go, they are beautiful.
  33. M

    6ft Aquarium Cabinet 405 Filter Dorking Surrey

    I can't believe someone hasn't snapped this up-its a bargain!! My offer for the filter still stands if you change your mind.
  34. M

    6ft Aquarium Cabinet 405 Filter Dorking Surrey

    No probs mate, thanks anyway
  35. M

    6ft Aquarium Cabinet 405 Filter Dorking Surrey

    Don't need the tank or extra's, but am in need of a new external filter, will you sell separately and would you post? If so, how about £45 delivered for the 405?
  36. M

    Need Help Identifying....

    2 of the saulosi have developed blackening on the edge of the top fin, does this mean they could be turning male?
  37. M

    Need Help Identifying....

    The yellow saulosi are only about 2". Going to return the johanni today, although they are beautiful!
  38. M

    Need Help Identifying....

    I'm not sure, i think the yellows are the female pseudotropheus saulosi just becaus ethey have the faint vertical stripes on their bodies.
  39. M

    Need Help Identifying....

    Thanks, do you think the yellow ones are too? Don't know whether to return just the blues or yellows too
  40. M

    Need Help Identifying....

    So i bit the bullet today and went to the fish store and bought 6 (what i beleived and what was labelled as) pseudotropheus saulosi - 3 of each colour. After getting them into the tank and admiring them.....then comparing them to what they should look like, i fear i been sold something...