Need Help Identifying....


Fish Fanatic
Feb 18, 2009
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So i bit the bullet today and went to the fish store and bought 6 (what i beleived and what was labelled as) pseudotropheus saulosi - 3 of each colour.
After getting them into the tank and admiring them.....then comparing them to what they should look like, i fear i been sold something completely different, if you wouldn't mind can anyone take a look and help identify them, 2 of the blue ones also have a white spot at the end of the anal fin, is that normal?

Thanks in advance.
They are Melanochromis Johanni, and i think the males haves the spots
Actually the yellow fish could be female and the blue male? Although i'm not entirely sure tbh?
You could say I'm still a beginner when it comes to mbuna cichlids

The fish are definitely a Melanochromis species though
I'm not sure, i think the yellows are the female pseudotropheus saulosi just becaus ethey have the faint vertical stripes on their bodies.
I'd agree that all the blue fish are male johanni, mature male saulosi are light blue with vertical stripes. The yellow fish look like young saulosi, how large are they? If they are still young, you may get a male or two out of the bunch, since fry look identical.

I'd definitely return the johanni and tell your LFS they need to relabel them (some research on their part might be helpful too but unlikely). :lol:

Oh, and saulosi have pretty high aggression among male so you'll want just one.
I'd agree that all the blue fish are male johanni, mature male saulosi are light blue with vertical stripes. The yellow fish look like young saulosi, how large are they? If they are still young, you may get a male or two out of the bunch, since fry look identical.

I'd definitely return the johanni and tell your LFS they need to relabel them (some research on their part might be helpful too but unlikely). :lol:

Oh, and saulosi have pretty high aggression among male so you'll want just one.

The yellow saulosi are only about 2". Going to return the johanni today, although they are beautiful!
The yellow saulosi are only about 2". Going to return the johanni today, although they are beautiful!

Deadly beautiful. :lol:

Well, saulosi don't get very big, so I'd say all yours are girls, now you just need a strapping lad to make their day. :hey:
2 of the saulosi have developed blackening on the edge of the top fin, does this mean they could be turning male?
2 of the saulosi have developed blackening on the edge of the top fin, does this mean they could be turning male?

It is possible, I thought they'd have started chaning earlier, I'd keep an eye on them and rehome any additional males. :good:

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