White Spot


New Member
Mar 23, 2009
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hi all,i have a 42 gallon malawi tank,,,i can not see a single trace of white spot,,,used some white spot treatment never the less,,,and done a few large water changes,,,my fish are still bouncing and rubbing on the rocks and coral substrate,,,any ideas.,,help
How many fish do you have and what kind?How long has your tank been running?Have you tested your water if so what are the reading i.e nitite,ammonia,nitrate,ph?I would not just put random chemicals in your tank without knowing if there is a problem or not ,it can be very stressfull to your fish and if there is a problem you have to take any type of carbon filtration out to make it affective gl
Are they constantly rubbing/flicking or occasionally doing it? What species are you keeping, if it's mbuna and they are only doing it occasionally then what you are seeing is natural aggression/breeding behavior.

Knowing your current water stats and ruling out any other signs of illness is still a good idea though. :good:
How many fish do you have and what kind?How long has your tank been running?Have you tested your water if so what are the reading i.e nitite,ammonia,nitrate,ph?I would not just put random chemicals in your tank without knowing if there is a problem or not ,it can be very stressfull to your fish and if there is a problem you have to take any type of carbon filtration out to make it affective gl
i took the carbon filter out when i was treating the fish,,,,i was so concerned about the fish i tryed the whitespot treatment because i was told it wouldnt harm the fish either way,,,,,the fish are mbuna,,and all my water parameters are fine,the tank has been running 6 months now,,,there are two fish in paticular that keep itcking,,and they are male and female,,,,so maybe dthoffset ,,,is right what he is saying in his replie.
How many fish do you have and what kind?How long has your tank been running?Have you tested your water if so what are the reading i.e nitite,ammonia,nitrate,ph?I would not just put random chemicals in your tank without knowing if there is a problem or not ,it can be very stressfull to your fish and if there is a problem you have to take any type of carbon filtration out to make it affective gl
i took the carbon filter out when i was treating the fish,,,,i was so concerned about the fish i tryed the whitespot treatment because i was told it wouldnt harm the fish either way,,,,,the fish are mbuna,,and all my water parameters are fine,the tank has been running 6 months now,,,there are two fish in paticular that keep itcking,,and they are male and female,,,,so maybe dthoffset ,,,is right what he is saying in his replie.

Just to let you know dthoffsett is a she not a he.

I have a red coral saulosi that flicks, i'm not too worried, just keep an eye on them.
How many fish do you have and what kind?How long has your tank been running?Have you tested your water if so what are the reading i.e nitite,ammonia,nitrate,ph?I would not just put random chemicals in your tank without knowing if there is a problem or not ,it can be very stressfull to your fish and if there is a problem you have to take any type of carbon filtration out to make it affective gl
i took the carbon filter out when i was treating the fish,,,,i was so concerned about the fish i tryed the whitespot treatment because i was told it wouldnt harm the fish either way,,,,,the fish are mbuna,,and all my water parameters are fine,the tank has been running 6 months now,,,there are two fish in paticular that keep itcking,,and they are male and female,,,,so maybe dthoffset ,,,is right what he is saying in his replie.

Just to let you know dthoffsett is a she not a he.

I have a red coral saulosi that flicks, i'm not too worried, just keep an eye on them.
thanks GAL

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