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  1. T

    Is My Filter Good Enough?

    :good: well, since I don't really plan on upgradin the size of my tank anytime soon, I exchanged the fluval external for an Aquaclear 30 hob filter. Its just alot cheaper and fits in my limited space alot better too. When i eventually get another tank I will get an external cartridge. Since I...
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    Is My Filter Good Enough?

    I think there is a spraybar then, the packaging calls it a "return", its like a spout right?
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    Is My Filter Good Enough?

    I don't see any mention of a spraybar or adjuster, but I'm pretty new to this and it is much more confusing than the filter I currently have.
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    Is My Filter Good Enough?

    if anybody else believes I should return itbefore setting it up, please let me know. Should I trade it in for a Aquaclear HOB or Fluval internal filter? I haven't put it together yet, and don't want to unless I am sure (its expensive).
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    Is My Filter Good Enough?

    the flow rate is 480 L/H. Well, the higher flow rate might actually work alright since danios like the current
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    Is My Filter Good Enough?

    I'm sure my filter wasn;t enough, so I splurged and bought a Fluval 105 external filter. Do you think its overkill for a 10g tank? I figured the more media volume the better.
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    Is My Filter Good Enough?

    the filter pumps out 300 litres per hour, I have no idea if this is good or bad I live in a condo so I won't be getting anything bigger until I'm done university and have a house, probably not for a few years anyway, however I like the idea of running two at once, cause then maybe I can just...
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    Is My Filter Good Enough?

    its one of those hang-on-the-side filters on a 10 gallon tank, as you probably already know after doing some reading on filters, I've now discovered that apparently my filter is not very good at all, is probably to small to maintain stable water parameters, is basically useless for good...
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    Advice On Cycle Please

    nitrite-0 ammonia-trace nitrate-0
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    Advice On Cycle Please

    just a one-month update here, the tests are seeing gradually less and less Ammonia (which never got over .6) and Nitrite (which never got over .1), and still no Nitrate yet (maybe plant up-take). Is it even possible I am now in the home-stretch? Also, whne my filter was cloggin a bit, I took...
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    Carbon Filter?

    I have a similar filter, an Elite Hush 10. I think the hard filter media closest to the back of the filter container is the carbon one, then theres the black mesh stuff whose function I don't understand. I am also curious about this, since I am cycling a tank right now and don't wnat to do it...
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    Danios And Which Algae Eater

    I have a ten gallon with four danios (2 glowlight, two zebra), which kind of algae eater would be most compatible with danios in a tank this size: amano shrimp, zebra snail, siamese algae eater, bristle nose pleco. I don't want something that the danios will harrass alot, which I know is tough...
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    Filter Seems Clogged

    thanks waterdrop, I was a little worried it might be serious. To be honest, it would be extremely difficult to capture it in a picture anyway, so i'll take your word for it.
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    Filter Seems Clogged

    I pretty much do gravel cleaning every time I change the water, which is every day I guess. I don't do it overly thoroughly, but I figured I may as well vacuum while I'm doing my water changes. The stuff that clogged my filter is this almost thread-like, wet toilet-paper looking stuff that...
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    Filter Seems Clogged

    took the filter apart, apparently the white colored cottony growth (algae?) I had was collected in different parts of the filter, its working fine now
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    Filter Seems Clogged

    Hi I need help, my filter's flow is way down (Elite Hush 10) and its only a month old. I have cleaned out the media using aquarium water a few times already, since I have plants and such. The carbon media has some brownish, slimy stuff on it, is this normal. I can't figure out what can be...
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    Algae On Plants

    your plant might be an anubias, I got one and have algae on it already as well because it grows slow. Reducing light did reduce algae on the leaves though
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    Advice On Cycle Please

    Thanks for the encouragement. My wife thinks keeping fish is nearly impossible and can't believe I change water everyday. I shouldn't worry about adding too much conditioner, should I? One capful treats 10 gallons (which is what I have) so I add a capful to the water being used for changes, is...
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    Advice On Cycle Please

    I use Aqua Plus conditioner every time, in fact I think I use more than I need everytime as well (maybe two times as much)
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    Advice On Cycle Please

    Hi, tank has been fish-in cycling for just over three weeks and I have yet to have any spike in ammonia past .6 nor any more than .1 in nitrite, what is going on? There is obviously no nitrate either. I have been doing daily water changes of about 25% to 35% and the liquid test kit always...
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    Nutrafin Test Kits

    I was wondering if anybody has experience with this kit (ammonia, nitrite, hardness etc) and if they are accurate. I already bought a test kit for $50 Can. after I had read here that API s the best. I noticed that the ammonia test strip only goes as low as .6, even though smaller amounts are...
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    Danio Food

    Hi, I have four danios and one of them likes to pick away at the roots of my anubias plant. I read that they like a bit of vegetable matter in their diet. I am currently feeding them mostly nutrafin flake food and frozen brine shrimp. What type of vegetables will danios eat? Which ones produce...
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    Do I Need To Do A Water Change?

    all great tips, I was just worried that too many changes would do more harm than good, I'll just leave time in between like it was said.
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    Do I Need To Do A Water Change?

    thanks, good thing I'm on holidays for the next two weeks
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    Do I Need To Do A Water Change?

    tested my water before a 15% water change before I read this thread and ammonia was at about .6 and my nitrite was at less than 1.0, now I just tested it again this afternoon and its about the same, how large a waterchange should I do? Thanks, I really appreciate the advice, I wish I had come...
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    Do I Need To Do A Water Change?

    really? so is Nutrafin Cycle and Waste Control 9and similar products) also useless? That ticks me off a little since I just went out and bought more and its already opened. Does it not contribute to a quicker and more effective cycle either? I am glad I saw this.
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    Weird Growth On Rock

    I guess it might get a little bit of direct sunlight, not very strong though and maybe only for a few hours.
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    Weird Growth On Rock

    I'm doing a fish-in cycle with 4 danios, just meant that I didn't want to add another fish. I didn't know about fish-less cycles until after I got the fish (some internet sites said to cycle with danios), now I am just trying to do as much as I can to reduce the damage. I did a 20% water change...
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    Weird Growth On Rock

    thanks for the link, but unfortunately none of those look as white and milky as the stuff in my tank. I took out the ornament to prevent spread, I noticed along the glass very tiny small white dots, they don't look like eggs cause I can see a very tiny wavelike action once in awhile. I don't...
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    Weird Growth On Rock

    nobody has any idea what this could be?
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    Weird Growth On Rock

    hi there, I just noticed some whitish/clear stringy substance growing off a fake rock ornament I bought less than a week ago. It looks like the rock has a slight foggy appearance to it, until you notice the substance flow with the current. There is a aubias plant tied to this rock. There is no...
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    What Plants With Anubias Nana

    Thanks, I would have done a fishless cycle but I came across this information late, oh well I am testing and changing water often. I rsearched and saw that fish-in cycles were the way to do it, just slowly and with hardy species. I guess what I am doing is kinda taboo around here, but I do care...
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    What Plants With Anubias Nana

    hi, just added a single anubias nana to the cycling 10 gallon tank (1 week). I heard they are good for cycling with fish (2 zebra danios). Is it too early to add one more to the tank if it helps keep the ammonia low for the fish? Which other type of hardy plant would be good in the same light...
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    Options For 10 Gallon Tank

    so what type of algae eater is best for a 10 gallon tank, a single siamese algae eater or a trumpet or apple or zebra snail? These look like the best options for a tank this size. Seems like Do the snails add more waste to the water (ie. affect the 1 inch/gallon rule)? Thanks again
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    Options For 10 Gallon Tank

    oh yeah, I bought an Elite starter kit, not at home right now, but I am sure it is a carbon filter (maybe called a whisper something, can't remember). Thanks!
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    Options For 10 Gallon Tank

    thanks for the encouragement, I had read that Otos are not very hardy (but I wouldn't add them for awhile until algae builds up and the tank has cycled. My plan is to add one or two more danios when the tank has cycled, then a couple more again after another cycle, then add a snail again a few...
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    Options For 10 Gallon Tank

    Hi there, I'm relatively new to the hobby and have a couple of important questions. The pet store was not very helpful and I felt as though my questions were not answered right. I am cycling a 10 gallon tank right now (with 2 zebra danios like recommended). I realize now (with no help from pet...