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  1. S

    Info Wanted On A Couple Of Fish

    Unless you have been feeding the bacteria in the filter over the past week or so it is likely all dead and you will have to start the cycle again. If your friend didn't have fish in the tank directly before giving it to you, i.e they removed all fish a week before giving you the stuff then the...
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    Info Wanted On A Couple Of Fish

    First off, is your tank cycled? Have you been feeding the tank with ammonia for the past 4-6 weeks to ensure that the beneficial bacteria has grown in the filter? You say that you have had your water test and it is "perfect", unfortunately this doesnt mean anything as a tank that hasnt had any...
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    New 125l Set Up

    So you have decided to do a "fish in cycle"? I hope you enjoy water changes! You are going to need to keep a really close eye on the ammonia readings. If it gets to 0.25ppm you will need to do a huge (80%+) water change. Its entirely possible that you will need to do big water changes every...
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    New 125l Set Up

    Cycling can take upto 6 weeks, i would strongly suggest you visit this page and read al the information about cycling.
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    Total Beginner Advice On What Equipment To Buy!

    It might be worth looking on eBay for the fishbox 48l. People tend to buy them and want to upgrade pretty quickly, I managed to get a 6 month old one with filter and heater for £35 to use as a quarantine tank. Some definite bargains out there!
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    My Tank

    I think you are pretty much fully stocked, (a little overstocked in my opinion) but it looks pretty nice overall. Well done :)
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    Fish One End Of The Tank

    Is the heater at the end of the tank they are sticking to? It might be that your heater isnt strong enough to heat the whole tank and is only able to keep that end of the tank at a stable temperature. It's only a theory though. Seb
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    New Tank Setup Question

    Please have a really good read of the articles on the following web page, especially the section regarding "Cycling your tank" if you have any questions after that dont hesitate to ask. Seb
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    Whats Wrong?

    I hope you didnt replace all your filter media did you? If so you have basically got rid of all the beneficial bacteria in the filter and will now have started a "fish-in" cycle which is an awful lot of work. There are guides in the beginners section of this forum that will give you some more...
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    Very Worried About My Fish

    They will only "not reach 15cm in captivity" if they arent looked after correctly. If they are kept in the correct conditions and with ample space (a lot more than you are currently providing) they will grow normally. Currently they are being stunted which is not a nice way for a fish to live...
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    My First Tank

    Hi! Tank looks nice! I will say though that Corys really should only be kept in tanks with sand substrate or VERY find gravel. Normal gravel can damage their barbels as they are rooting and digging around in the substrate. They are also schooling fish and it is recommended to keep them in...
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    Fish In Cycle - Which First Fish

    Sorry, I agree, I was responding to the question about what he should put it after the tank is "all up and running". Apologies i should have made that clear.
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    Fish In Cycle - Which First Fish

    In a tank of such a small volume some shrimp would look great if you plant it well. Maybe some of the micro fish species but someone else will be able to tell you more about them than I.
  14. S

    Returning To Fish Keeping- I Just Want A Small Pretty Peaceful Tank Th

    Hi ButterflyEl, I'm a bit of a newbie myself but im afraid that you are well overstocked for a tank of that size. The general consensus (from what i can gather) is that a 25l isnt really big enough to keep any kind of fish in, and people generally recommend keeping shrimp/snails in a tank with...