My Tank


Fish Fanatic
Jun 26, 2012
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Hello all,

Here is an up to date video now my tank has complete stock. (Clown loaches are going this week) Let me know what you think :)

I think you are pretty much fully stocked, (a little overstocked in my opinion) but it looks pretty nice overall. Well done :)
Apart from the gravel and the off the shelf decorations and plants, i like it. Mind you, i suppose that would mean i like it, if everything but the fish and water is taken out....doh. I'm sure it will evolve in time, love the Zebra Loaches :)
Honestly? No, I don't like it, but it's your tank, it's whether you like it that's the important thing :good:
Thanks guys,

I will probably go down the real plants root eventually but as this was my first attempt I wanted to try and make it as simple as possible.

As per the stocking I think I am over stocked but also over filtered and regular 30% changes should keep on top of that :)
If you think you might be overstocked, watch your nitrate level as you might have to do larger water changes to compensate :good:

I love your five banded barbs, btw; lovely fish.
Frankly....I like your tank! You will find a tendency on this forum for members to prefer tanks that mimic natural environments. I think aquariums should be fun for the people as well as the fish, so I like all kinds. Hence, I proudly post pictures of my Lego themed tank! Your tank looks very clean and clear. Keep a close eye on your stats, though, as I agree that you appear to be very over stocked.
Thanks again guys,

Im testing every other day at the moment as Ive just added my last fish and all seems good. Nitrates are around 20-30ppm on Saturday mornings before a water change so not massively high.
personally i love it. I?t's subtle and got lots of hidey holes, the fish seem happy, love your green & pink plant too! :hyper:
Im looking at getting another cave type hide for my zebra loaches as I think they are all in the ship at the moment. As for the plants I left my wife in charge of choosing them. If im honest they are not fully to my taste but they are growning on me :)
Tank looks good! I bet the loaches love it in the ship.
Yea they seem to! I got them on Friday and havent really seen them unless they come out to feed!
I usually prefer tanks that have a more natural look to them but I have to say I do love the look of your tank. I can see Gvilleguy's point about tanks being more fun :)

Your nitrate levels are not too bad at all, mine have always been at 20ppm and I only have 1 fish (a flowerhorn) in my 450 litre. Even when iv had more fish (different stock) it's been 20ppm

Well done you :good:
Hi there

I'm with dbanner. I'm not into galleons and stuff either but there's a nice balance here and it is a nice tank to look at. Nice fish too.


Danny B
Thanks for all the comments everyone! :)

Im starting to get a bit of staghorn algae and was looking at a few floating plants to absorb some nutrients to hopefully stop the algae growth. What do you recommend?

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