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  1. zakkp8

    Good Set Up?

    How about this; 3 sparkling gouramies, 5 myers hatchetfish, 4 guppies? Its from the 10 gallon recomendations.
  2. zakkp8

    Good Set Up?

    I will, I have to wait for the babie to get a bit bigger before I give them to a reliable FS and get the gouramies. Oh I also have to reset up the decorations because I'm useing the cheap fishstore ones I've had for years. It will have drift wood, rocks, and many plants!
  3. zakkp8

    Good Set Up?

    Alright thanks, this would have been my first time keeping any of these fish other then the guppy and I usually buy fish 3" or bigger other then bettas. So this would have been my first time with small fish, I'll just keep the 5 guppies, and get 3 gouramies.
  4. zakkp8

    Good Set Up?

    Its well cycled, so what of thoes should I put in, I have 12 guppies now(2 moms, and 10, month old babies). Keeping the females and two males, what else should I get?
  5. zakkp8

    Good Set Up?

    Is this a good set up for my now cycled 10 US gallon? I'm planing on having 2 male guppies, 2 female guppies, 5 hatchet fish, 3 sparkling gouramies, 3 pigmy cories and 1 African Dwarf frog. Is that good?
  6. zakkp8

    Community With Semi Aggressive

    If your getting the Spoted African Leaf fish from PetSmart. They mislabel them, they are really are a Spotted Climbing Perch, whish looks similar when it is small, but eventually it becomes a 6-8 inch preditory fish. Just a warning.
  7. zakkp8


    Thank God some place has done this, I just wish US could put this into effect, and I'm 14! Kids are so mean to the fish at local fairs. At my old schools fair, last year, a kid in my class put two goldfish in a mixture of Mountian Dew(Soda) and chlorninated water, needless to say they died. It...
  8. zakkp8

    Looking To Add A Few More To Our Tank - Ideas?

    I would get 3 or 4 Medium Angels, they would look really nice in your set up, or perhaps a Spotted Climbing Perch, although they grow to 6-8in, and are preditory they would make a nice addition.
  9. zakkp8

    My Betta Scared The Hell Out Of Me!

    The maximum I've heard of is a betta living 10 years in near perfect conditions.
  10. zakkp8

    Baby Bettas!

    No it dosn't include shipping sorry.
  11. zakkp8

    Help Puff

    Thanks, if/when he starts to harass the other fish I sell him but till then I'll keep him. Thanks again.
  12. zakkp8

    Help Puff

    Tetraodon biocellatus - Figure 8 puffer. Figure 8 puffers live in fresh water in the wild, but do best in brackish water tanks in aquaria. These fish can do well in tanks of 15g or more, and get on well with bumblebee gobies as tankmates. Quoted directly from 'Puffers in Aqura' Pinned in...
  13. zakkp8

    Baby Bettas!

    Largo, where do you live? For the red ones $2.50 and for the CT the greenish ones are $3.50, purple are $5.00. And if you really want the MG HM we can come up with a reasonable price :D
  14. zakkp8

    Baby Bettas!

    I might be able to ship them to you, I'll pist pics soon.
  15. zakkp8

    My Betta Scared The Hell Out Of Me!

    Flaring is normal it means he is trying to protect his territory. My aunts flaired at me all the time and it was a happy, but mean fish, that lived for 6 years.
  16. zakkp8


    Sounds great I was thinking about making my newer 55gal a betta tank 30 females maybe 5 males, I've had 3 males share a 20gal with out problems. But decided I'd try other fish. Good luck!
  17. zakkp8

    New Female Betta

    Post some pics, I cant wait to see them!
  18. zakkp8

    Baby Bettas!

    I have bettas that are 3 1/2 months old, 3 small batches. One batch is a red/red butterfly vail tail, petstore parents. Keeping some. Next is the Purple/red/blue/turqouoise/green crown tail, parents are Purple and Blue, how I ended up with so many colors is a mistery. And there latest batch is...
  19. zakkp8

    New Female Betta

    Wow she is really pretty :good: I want her!
  20. zakkp8

    Help Puff

    I plan on getting rid of the shark once he gets 6 inches but for now all the fish get along. I've had two of the gouramies and one of the Angels in salty water befor for atleast a year. So the others are all fine.
  21. zakkp8

    Chubby Gourami

    Gouramies cant get pregnate they are egglayers. Hopefully George dosn't have dropsey and gets well soon.
  22. zakkp8

    Help Puff

    I have 3 Angels, one honey gourami, one flame gourami, one small kissing gourami, 3 rams, one 4" common Pleco, one golden dojo loach, one 2" columbian shark, one spotted climbing perch, and the puffer. Sorry is SG the level of salt? If so it two tabel spoons per 10 gal plus and extra table...
  23. zakkp8

    Help Puff

    But I also have a dojo Loach so that is why I keep it around 7.0, yes I know they don't like salt, but is it one of my happiest fish. Thanks for the help. Today the puffer has small white speckels on him but too small to be ich.
  24. zakkp8

    Help Puff

    I have my Figure 8 Puffer in a lightly brackish comunity tank, the first week I had him he acted fine now he swims and hedes between one of theplants and the tank wall. It is a 55 US gallon, with all readings at 0, and the ph is between 6.5 7.5. I dont know what to do. Please help.
  25. zakkp8

    Poll: Do You Talk To Your Betta?

    I talk to all my fish at random times during the day, espically my bettas that I raised from the day they were born. I love them almost like any other pet, but in a different way.
  26. zakkp8

    Betta Babes

    Aw, there so adorable, I too am raising young fry, about 3 months old. Good luck raising and selling your babies! :good:
  27. zakkp8

    Betta And Platys

    It all depends on the betta, I've had some that can live with any thing and some that will kill any thing. If you do decide to get a betta atleast have another tank to keep it in if they don't get along.It all depends on the betta, I've had some that can live with any thing and some that will...
  28. zakkp8

    New Rams.

    Thanks :good:
  29. zakkp8

    New Rams.

    The males dorsals first ray should be longer right? And the end should have a point? They are still young only about an inch long.
  30. zakkp8

    New Rams.

    Why? All I kneed to know is how to tell the sexes apart. Oh and one already died :-(
  31. zakkp8

    New Fry

    I'll post pics as they get older, and some of all my other fish.
  32. zakkp8

    New Rams.

    I just got 3 gold rams from a LFS, and was wondering how do you tell if they are male or female?
  33. zakkp8

    New Fry

  34. zakkp8

    New Fry

    I just had a new female guppy give birth to 9 babies, I don't know what the father looks like so it should be intresting to see them grow and get color! I'm really excited since I havent had new baby gippies in about 10 months, and my last ones were eaten by my oldest Angel(now in a different tank).
  35. zakkp8


    I'm new here, and just wanted to say hi to every one before posting