Community With Semi Aggressive


Fish Crazy
Jul 12, 2007
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Texas, United States
Can you put community fish with semi aggressive and if you can which semi aggrsseive would work with the community tropical fish?
its not really good, but it can worked.. it has worked for me before.. but your fish will need space.. and not too small of fish..
Hi, radioman i had a problem I bought a baby firemouth and a baby green terror well the green terror would not leave the firemouth alone so i put the juvie firemouth in my community tank with my tigar barbs and silver dollars and a few other fish that i have in there. I haven't had a problem so for, i read that firemouths were semi-aggresive so I will probably leave the firemouth in there. I sure wouldn't put the juvie green terror in there .. i would read up on them before u make a decison.. vally136
well the community fish that I like are tetras, red sword tail ,gold mickey mouse platy, zebra danio, cherry barb, sunburst wag.
semi aggressive algae eater, tiger barb, leporius fasciatus, spotted african leaf fish
also can you put cichclids with any of these?
It all depends a lot on the type of fish your considering, as stated, do a lot of research... I knew little about any fish untill mid june and i got into it and ive just done a lot of googling and reading and not that i am knowledgable but i kno a lot more then before.

Hi, radioman i had a problem I bought a baby firemouth and a baby green terror well the green terror would not leave the firemouth alone so i put the juvie firemouth in my community tank with my tigar barbs and silver dollars and a few other fish that i have in there. I haven't had a problem so for, i read that firemouths were semi-aggresive so I will probably leave the firemouth in there.

The Firemouth WILL become pretty aggresive when it grows (and the can become big!), but the amount dpends a lot on how big your tank is and which fish you have in there. You wouldn't tell by te looks at it when they're small like yours, then they still look pretty innocent... but it WILL change, trust me on that.
well the community fish that I like are tetras, red sword tail ,gold mickey mouse platy, zebra danio, cherry barb, sunburst wag.
semi aggressive algae eater, tiger barb, leporius fasciatus, spotted african leaf fish
also can you put cichclids with any of these?
If your getting the Spoted African Leaf fish from PetSmart. They mislabel them, they are really are a Spotted Climbing Perch, whish looks similar when it is small, but eventually it becomes a 6-8 inch preditory fish. Just a warning.
well the community fish that I like are tetras, red sword tail ,gold mickey mouse platy, zebra danio, cherry barb, sunburst wag.
semi aggressive algae eater, tiger barb, leporius fasciatus, spotted african leaf fish
also can you put cichclids with any of these?
If your getting the Spoted African Leaf fish from PetSmart. They mislabel them, they are really are a Spotted Climbing Perch, whish looks similar when it is small, but eventually it becomes a 6-8 inch preditory fish. Just a warning.

thanks for ur advice it was at petsmart and does anyone know if those fish will go together

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