Search results

  1. fishy1204

    Young Guppys And Platys, 40+

    yes there over priced on my local gumtree i can get 10 for £4 or 50p each
  2. fishy1204

    Would This Hold A 50-60L Tank?

    thought about building one instead? :)
  3. fishy1204

    Ada Vs Opti White

    personally i would buy it from aquariums ltd , comes to £250 with a opti white front, left and right panes back is just standard glass as theres no real need to put it there anyway if im honest, but ND aquatics might be better priced
  4. fishy1204

    Java Moss

    pm me you adress and ill post it within the next few days
  5. fishy1204

    Java Moss

    Plants: java moss Quantity for sale: enough to cover a 20x25cm area ish Delivery or Collection:delivery Sales price:free Postage & Packaging:ill post it for free Location: b63 Photograph:N/A bought a load of it then stored the spare in one of my tanks and completely forgot about it so...
  6. fishy1204


    well iv got BBA in my tank im running 2 25watt T8s on for 5 hours a day, i dose TPN+ 5ml per day and 2ml a day of easy carbo the tank is relatively heavily planted. do these dosings sound about right? iv also read that overdosing with excel can get rid of it( would easy carbo do the same...
  7. fishy1204

    Hello All

    welcome to the forum
  8. fishy1204

    New Guy

    welcome to the forum
  9. fishy1204

    A Few Of My Tanks.

    the last tank looks absolutely flawless mate love it :hyper:
  10. fishy1204

    For The Money Suggest Something Else .....

    probably the best thing you can do is try these you get so much more for your money second hand, i sold my full set up 3 footer for £85 the other day
  11. fishy1204

    Rorie's Fish House Project

    looking very nice mate :good:
  12. fishy1204

    How Much To Dose?

    i have a 96 litre moderatley planted tank i recently upgraded the lighting to 2 x 25watt T8s i bought some easy carbo and TPN + how much of each should i be dosing? lights are on for 6 hours a day
  13. fishy1204

    Whats The Best External Filter?

    personally id go for eheim or tetratec if you have the money for 1, i currently have a APS one not too bad a little on the loud side tho
  14. fishy1204

    Just Wanted To Share A Little Diy Project I've Been Working On

    not bad, good use of the space id personally try and put draws under the filter
  15. fishy1204

    Rorie's Fish House Project

    im pretty sure thats what it is, but you should keep the lighting seperate to the filters and heater ideally as a type C will take longer to trip as it may not give the apporpriate protection for the filters and heaters
  16. fishy1204

    Rorie's Fish House Project

    just read through all of that was a goood read :good: (might have missed abit out as i forgot what page i was on lol) about the lighting what type circuit breakers do you have running the lighting? as you should probably be using a type C ( not a general household type B ) as the start up...
  17. fishy1204

    Just A Friendly Hello From A New Member

    yeah it last for ages imo aswell so its great value for money
  18. fishy1204

    Hiya :)

    welcome to the forum :)
  19. fishy1204

    Hi All

    welcome to the forum :) some pics of your tank(s) would be nice :D
  20. fishy1204

    New Member!

    welcome to the forum, make sure you read up on fishless cycling before you add any fish :good:
  21. fishy1204


    welcome to the forum, personally id try and fishless cycle to the tank
  22. fishy1204


    welcome to the forum
  23. fishy1204

    Changing From Gravel To Sand

    personally id remove them, depending on how many fish you have you could put them in a plastic tub(s)
  24. fishy1204

    Just A Friendly Hello From A New Member

    welcome to the forum, and the API is a great little test kits use it myself :good:
  25. fishy1204

    25 Gal Shrimp Tank

    thats quite the shrimp tank :good:
  26. fishy1204

    Wanna Say Hello

    welcometo the forum
  27. fishy1204


    hello and welcome to the forum and good choice upgrading the tank :) im hoping to get a 6footer soon
  28. fishy1204

    Hello All

    welcome to the forum, the clown loaches could do with being rehomed as your tank is too small the guppys are fine ( unsure about the swordtails and BN )
  29. fishy1204

    Gold Lasers

    thanks for the reply and its a sand substrate :good:
  30. fishy1204

    Gold Lasers

    can i keep them in my 2ft 6 ( 96 litre ) tank it currently has 12 neon tetra and is moderatley planted can i keep gold laser corys? and if so how many would you recommend ?
  31. fishy1204

    Hi Folks

    welcome to the forum
  32. fishy1204

    60 Litre Tropical Fish Aquarium Set Up, How Many Fish To Have?

    id add some more corys to your 2 as they will do better in a group then maybe a group of ember tetra to go with them or something along those lines?
  33. fishy1204

    New Member..

    welcome to the forum
  34. fishy1204

    Hello All

    hello and welcome to the forum :)
  35. fishy1204

    Just Saying Hi

    welcome to the forum :)
  36. fishy1204


    welcome to the forum
  37. fishy1204

    What Made You Decide To Set Up An Aquarium?

    got a 23L tank for christmas about 5 years ago all started from there really