Just Wanted To Share A Little Diy Project I've Been Working On


Fish Gatherer
Sep 1, 2011
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Hey everyone,

I don't know what's up with me lately, but I just fancied doing some woodwork. I was out shopping yesterday and came across a smallish sheet of MDF for £3.49 so thought what was the worst that could happen and brought it home. Tbh, I think plywood would have been a better choice, although the items I've made so far are fully functional. My woodworking stills are kinda rubbish if I'm honest. None of the sides line up or anything, but the items that I've made are fully functional so hey. At least I proved my boyfriend wrong in that I can do woodwork, even if it's not great quality

Pictures are clickable for bigger versions

With the wood that I got, I managed to make a little drawer to fit in my stand and a small platform for my filter to stand on so I can store things underneath it. My tank is relatively small and I have a lot of stuff for it, so anything that maximises storage space is definitely a good thing. I made the drawer first, and my skills have already improved a little when I made the stand for the filter.

Another thing I did was to use some small bits of wood to secure my electrics to the inside of the door, keeping them off the floor and as long as the door is closed there's no way they can be exposed to any dripping water during water changes.

I'm out of wood now, but I intend to get some more and make a drawer for the top section to match the bottom one. This'll be slightly more difficult as there are bracing brackets inside the top cubbyhole that my drawer will have to fit around. I'm also going to make some nice fronts for both of the drawers, paint them and put some nice handles on. Also thinking about making a nice rack for me to hang up my gear - my net, scissors, tweezers, that sort of thing. Maybe even another small section I can slide my books and small things into.

It's not really much, especially to those who are more experienced/skilled than I am in this area, but I'm proud of myself and wanted to share :)
very practical - has prompted me to think about some spare pieces of old wardroabe that I could do something similar with.

....and now for the typical male comment "what's a woman doing posting in the DIY section!"
Impressive stuff there.....nice work!

If I had an immature mind I might have made a remark about you "wanting a nice rack to hang your gear on!"..........Ooh, I do!
..... Looks like you dropped a screw on the floor! Watch someone doesn't get a poke!


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#wanting to make rack joke too but shall not....#

So good skills shown there. The worst kind of DiY is rushed DiY, thats when bad results come out. And another item: the may cost £20 but a compound mitre saw is an essential in my toolbox.
Well done Cezza. I do lots of DIY projects and those look very practical to me.

BTW ignore Zoddy, he is being a MCP.
Don't worry about it, I get that from my boyfriend all the time

I got some more wood so I can make a second drawer some time today or next week (I work weekends) and make some fronts for the drawers. Just gotta find some handles that don't cost an arm and a leg first.

I went with drawers in the open bit because it looked a mess with stuff sitting in the cubbyhole, so it was an attempt to make it look tidier and give myself more space to put stuff as well. The inside one, the filter is right up to the stand roof now, so it can't go any higher, and a drawer would be impossible to open as I lose a few cm when the door is open. Not a problem though as I just wanted to tidy it up a little and give myself more space.
Plastic drawer knobs n handles should be available at your local Wickes, B&Q or homebase for about 99p each.
Plastic drawer knobs n handles should be available at your local Wickes, B&Q or homebase for about 99p each.

I plan on having a look in B&Q hopefully this afternoon. The shop I got the wood from, the wood was pretty cheap but the handles were really expensive.

I'll post more photos when I have something to show though.

The drawers are now finished. Managed to find some handles on a market stall for 50p each along with a small tin of black gloss paint for £1.50.

Not to toot my own horn, but I think this looks rather good. Considering my limited skills this has turned out much better than I expected.


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