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  1. deanrar

    Moving House And Fish

    in a couple of months i will be moving out of my uni house back to my normal house but i have a couple of problems my house is 350 miles away and i have a 35gal tank (3 dwarf gourami, 2 mollies, 4 cories, 3 kuhlis) and a 5 gal tank (4 guppies and cherry shrimp), well i have a van sorted to get...
  2. deanrar

    Can/would Guppies Eat Molly Fry?

    i decided to just go out and get a breeding net and managed to save about 6 or so. What is best to feed them apart from baby brine shrimp? I have decapsulated brine shrimp eggs and crushed some flake will they be ok?
  3. deanrar

    Can/would Guppies Eat Molly Fry?

    my first ever fry only managed to get 5 out of my community tank this morning but better than none and was wondering if they would be safe in my guppy/cherry shrimp tank until they are big enough for the community tank again, oh and how fast do they grow? (potential dangers are the silver mother...
  4. deanrar

    Apple Snails Dieing

    i will have the water parameters checked wen i next get to a fish shop and i have used some root boosta (I just looked at it and it contains extra iron doh!)in the last few weeks i didnt even consider that being a problem, but pest snails seem to do ok until i squish them and the fish eat them.
  5. deanrar

    Apple Snails Dieing

    i have several apple snails in a shrimp tank and was wanting to put them in my community tank as there is more open space to see them, but when i tried 2 in my community tank they seem fine for a couple of days and then the next thing i know they are on their back hanginf out of their shell. So...
  6. deanrar

    Mean Dwarf Gourami

    watching the tank this morning and a bubblenest is being built with the male darting everywhere getting odd bits of plant but he is chasing the females even more now, is this normal? and will it stop once he has finished it? (this is his first bubblenest with females in the tank with him)
  7. deanrar

    Mean Dwarf Gourami

    cheers for the info my male has stopped harassing them as much hopefully they will all be friends lol
  8. deanrar


    just wondered would gunk from my filter be ok to feed them? (filter been going for over 9 months and only cleaned in tank water)
  9. deanrar

    Mean Dwarf Gourami

    Heres a couple fo pics of them: All 3 of my dwarfs My male chasing on of the females which i'm sure about this one is not as plump as the other and has wot looks like very pale blue stripes coming through The one i'm not sure about Any suggestions on whether this is a female or not will...
  10. deanrar

    Mean Dwarf Gourami

    I took a chance abought two little girlies for him as i have never found them in any fish shop near so thought i'd grab them while i could and as soon as he sees them just chases them around the tank, will he calm down or will he just continue to harass them?
  11. deanrar


    hi, one more thing to hatch the eggs do i just put them straight in to the tank? I haven't got a remp guage on the tank but the heater is set to 24 degrees. Cheers, Dean.
  12. deanrar

    Mean Dwarf Gourami

    I have 1 male dwarf gourami, 2 mollies, 4 cories and 3 kuhlis in a 34 gal planted tank. I have had the gourami for around a month and he has gradually got meaner to the mollies which are now hiding more and being less active although it hasnt stopped them eating all the time. I just wondered...
  13. deanrar


    cool cheers i think wen they are a couple of centimeters they should be able to be safe from the fishes so can be an interesting addition to my community tank
  14. deanrar


    yeh that would be awesome pm me your address and i'll get an envelope sent, oh and a couple more questions: how big do they get? how long to get to full size?. Cheers, Dean.
  15. deanrar


    Well i've never know what they were until today and wow they look awesome so i was wanting to get some. 1. what size tank do triops need? 2. I have a 5gal tank with cherry shrimp (5) and apple snails (3) would they survive with them or would they be better in my community tank (34gal with...
  16. deanrar

    Mollie With Popeye

    I have not had it checked for a while but will tomorrow and would the medication have any adverse effects on any of her tankmates as my hospital tank was recently destroyed by a drunk housemate when he fell on it :angry:
  17. deanrar

    Molly With Popeye And Shes Stopped Eating

    I've tried feeding normal flake, freeze dried tubifex, algae wafers, frozen bloodworm and frozen brine shrimp which she used to really love but she won't take any of it and i do not even know if she can see it, so i dont think she would take it but i will get some tomorrow, any other ideas?
  18. deanrar

    Molly With Popeye And Shes Stopped Eating

    I'v had this molly for about 6 months now with no problems until about a week or so ago when she started hiding more and a few days ago i noticed one of her eyes was sticking out more than normal (so i guessed popeye), all other fish are eating well and no signs of ilness (2 other mollies, 1...
  19. deanrar

    Mollie With Popeye

    i'v had this molly for about 6 months now with no problems until about a week or so ago when she started hiding more and a few days ago i noticed one of her eyes was sticking out more than normal (so i guessed popeye), all other fish are eating well and no signs of ilness (2 other mollies, 1...
  20. deanrar

    Shrimps Pregnant

    Awesome and if they do breed too quickly I'm sure i would be able to sell, what kind of substrates would they need? its just gravel at the moment but as half went in to my community tank it doesnt even cover the bottom of the tank completely and do you know how they go with snails (apple and mts)?
  21. deanrar


    34 and a third roughly
  22. deanrar


    my current tank set up: the aqua one AR-620T Tank dimentions: 62x38x72cm 130 litres (34 and a bit gal) 25/77 degrees Current inhabitants: 3 Mollies (2 female 2", 1 male 1.5"), 3 kuhli loach (1.5 -2") 2 peppered cory (1.5") 2 panda cory (1") 1 male dwarf gourami (2") and 6 amano shrimp soon to...
  23. deanrar

    Shrimps Pregnant

    thanks for the information and just another question to any1, because of seeing how easy they are to get pregnant i was thinking of setting up a cherry shrimp tank and just wondered what minimum size of tank was (i have a 5 gal not doning anything) and what the best subsrates and plants, etc for...
  24. deanrar

    Best Snail For Stirring Substrate

    cheers i have some on the way for my new snail tank may try them in my community tank too.
  25. deanrar

    Best Snail For Stirring Substrate

    I have a planted tank with sand and I'vs heard you have to stir the substrate around every couple oif weeks to stop damgerous gas bubbles building up, but getting aournd the back of my tank is a nightmare as its all roots and I hate having to uproot the plants and spending hours trying to get...
  26. deanrar

    Shrimps Pregnant

    Like the topic says I noticed last week at least 1 cherry and 1 amano shrimp in my tank are pregnant and I just wondered how long it would be till they would give birth? Cheers, Dean.
  27. deanrar

    Aeschynomene Fluitans

    Heres what it should look like on a much bigger scale obviously:
  28. deanrar

    Flubenol 15

    Cheers it says on the site it contains no copper, so hopefully it'll be ok. But if any1 else has any actual experience with it let me know. Cheers again, Dean.
  29. deanrar

    Flubenol 15

    Anyone had any experience good or bad?
  30. deanrar

    Aeschynomene Fluitans

    I have had it floating in my tank for a week or so now and it keeps growing new leaves but the older ones die off quickly. I didn't know whether it needs to be planted in substrate or if its normal as its going. Heres a pick, all the leaves are closed at the moment as the lights have been off...
  31. deanrar

    Stringy White Poop

    hi just wondered if flubenol 15 kills shrimp as my hospital tank has been a shrimp tank for some time as i have had no illness for a while and i would'nt mind gettin some flubenol 15 for when i get new fish just to be safe.
  32. deanrar

    Getting Good Photos Of Your Fish

    cheers and yeh spongebob lol, he rocks had nothing behind the tank but horrible wallpaper so i went for a spongebob poster
  33. deanrar

    Getting Good Photos Of Your Fish

    I'v tried many times to get decent photos of my fish but i just can't, can any1 give any help or a run through of how to get them. heres what most of mine look like: They look green because of the plants or a bit yellow because of the lights and I loose all the fishes colour.
  34. deanrar

    Dwarf Gourami Bubble Nest

    my dwarf gourami is fine with all my other fish until he builds his bubble nest then attacks anything that he sees, I just wondered if I can stop him attacking my other fish, maybe by breaking up or taking out the bubble nest as there are no females present yet. Oh and does anyone know where I...
  35. deanrar

    Congo Tetras Getting More Aggressive

    I had 5 congo tetras and lost 2 over xmas when my housemate was "looking after the tank" for a few weeks and they seemed fine until about a week ago. They have always played chasing games but now its getting increasingly violent and as i only have males would it calm them down if i maybe...
  36. deanrar

    Trapa Natans (water Chestnut)

    I read similar things but was a bit worried as a couple of place said it takes alot of oxygen which supprised me about a plant :unsure: but I have decided to take the plunge as i doubt some1 off ebay would be happy me sending it back plus my GF would be giving me evils for ages if i sent a...
  37. deanrar

    Trapa Natans (water Chestnut)

    My girlfriend bought me a rather huge looking water chesnut off the internet which arrived this morning and I don't know anything about it, so I just wondered if any1 on here could give me any information about it and whether or not it will be ok in my tank (34G tall with 2X18watt bulbs 25/77...
  38. deanrar

    Fish Flicking

    I have'nt had them checked recently (in the last month) which is bad as i used to get them checked every week but since xmas i have been a bit slack with visiting my nearest fish shop as its about a 15 minute drive and my cars very temperamental.
  39. deanrar

    Fish Flicking

    yeh i think i'll treat them i don't want to risk it, how long would i need to take the shrimp and snails out for because i have a hospital tank but its very small and i wouldnt want to keep them in there very long.
  40. deanrar

    Fish Flicking

    and I have only noticed it happen about 4 times in the last week but it was still enough to get me worried how often would they be doing it if they were diffinentely sick in some way, is it very often? If not it looks like my fishes and sshrimp are going to have a heckit weekend.