Mollie With Popeye


Fish Fanatic
Feb 11, 2007
Reaction score
Essex (Harold Wood/ Romford)
i'v had this molly for about 6 months now with no problems until about a week or so ago when she started hiding more and a few days ago i noticed one of her eyes was sticking out more than normal (so i guessed popeye), all other fish are eating well and no signs of ilness (2 other mollies, 1 dwarf gourami, 3 kuhlis, 2 peppered cories and 2 panda cories (fresh water no salt) in 34 gall tank, 25/77 degrees and change water about 30% at least once a week using tetra aquasafe dechlorinator).
Anyway now she has completely stopped eating and has got alot smaller and is bumping in to things and also mainly swimming backwards, i've started treating with myxazin as it is the only kind of fish medicine i have, what else can i do.
Any help or suggestions will be greatly appreciated as this is one of my oldest fish and i'm really attatched.
What are your water stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph.
Interpet do a med for pop eye anti internal bacteria med.
I have not had it checked for a while but will tomorrow and would the medication have any adverse effects on any of her tankmates as my hospital tank was recently destroyed by a drunk housemate when he fell on it :angry:
No, but it always best to issolate a sick fish as the fish will build a resistence up to the med.
Increase aeration in the tank as med reduce 02 in the water.
Good luck.

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