Search results

  1. NonstickRon

    Ro Water - Affordable Options?

    How is RO water different than distilled water? Or those thingys in the grocery store where you put your jug in and hit the button and it gives you water that is supposedly going through some super crazy filtration methods.
  2. NonstickRon

    Ro Water - Affordable Options?

    Is it feasable for someone with 2 ten gallon tanks to look into an RO water unit? What is a reasonable price per gallon to pay at a store for this?
  3. NonstickRon

    Ok, Work Tank Progress.

    Yeah, florida is a really really big peninsula of sand basically. Elevation of where i live not far from the coastline is like 12 feet. If you hold up a glass of tap water to a light and look at it you can see calcium specs floating around in it. :sick: I could use the office watercooler...
  4. NonstickRon

    Ok, Work Tank Progress.

    I've been using the neutral regulator because of the insane tap water ph and have to use somethign to condition the chlorine/chlorimine/ammonia anyway. I read on the seachem website that Neutral Regulator is PRIME dry, with a ph buffer. I was under the impression that I'd be having to use...
  5. NonstickRon

    Ok, Work Tank Progress.

    Ok, tap water numbers from RHI master kit: PH 8.8 or higher Ammonia 1.0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate .5 7-10 gallon bow front (I lost count when filling it! Aaahh!!) Washed play sand substrate Added half a bottle of Tetra Safestart Added Tetra Aquasafe Marineland Biowheel 100 15? inch bubble...
  6. NonstickRon

    Question About Sand

    lol, thats what you get for delegating... :nod:
  7. NonstickRon

    First Come First Served

    Ah ha! Rich Text Editor was unchecked by default I guess and needs to be checked. Great! <Rubs hands together while laughing maniacally ....> You a graphic artist too? Im a conceptual artist for a marketing company. Hence the forum posting all day. :unsure:
  8. NonstickRon

    First Come First Served

    Yeah, hasn't worked for me. Did you draw those fishies Axel? checks settings...
  9. NonstickRon

    On A Lfs Mission

    I dunno about over in the EU but in the US its pretty easy to get a press pass, especially since you have a special interest forum. Perhaps go around to the different stores and do actual legitimate interviews and reviews.
  10. NonstickRon

    On A Lfs Mission

    Normally I would agree with you but telling them they'll definitely hear from you in the future and that you'll be mailing them things is risky. We're in a time of anthrax in the mail and suicide bombers. What you're saying could definitely scare someone enough to call the cops on you. If...
  11. NonstickRon

    On A Lfs Mission

    You might want to be more careful 5teady, you're going to get yourself arrested if you keep on like that. Not saying stop, I commend the sentiment, but just try to be more tactful. :rolleyes: I think Axel would miss you if you got thrown in the clink. I went to a local aquarium shop...
  12. NonstickRon

    First Come First Served

    I'd just be happy with someone telling me why the [img] bbc code doesn't work on this forum.
  13. NonstickRon

    Dwarf Puffer Qs

    I'd like to do a little carpet of that java moss or rissia like in the sticky in the planted tank forum channel, very awesome looking.
  14. NonstickRon

    Dwarf Puffer Qs

    Thanks so much for asking this. I was wondering much the same things. I found a local dealer who gets Dwarf Puffers, he called them Pea Puffers, lol. He tried to talk me into buying some today even though I told him my tank wasn't ready, I had to buy some ghost shrimp to get him to back off...
  15. NonstickRon

    Air Pump Help

    There are in-line regulator valves you can get. I got one for the 20 gallon pump in my 10 gallon tank, so I can crank it back for feedings.
  16. NonstickRon

  17. NonstickRon


    Folks...please realize that by watching the show not only are you subjecting yourself to cruel and unusual torture, but you're increasing the ratings of it as a direct result of them subjecting those fish to that treatment. Please...if you really want to make a difference, boycott the show...
  18. NonstickRon

    Curious What Would Happen...

    :unsure: yeah...I think I'll start unplugging mine too as a matter of fact...I think I'm going to mark the plugs on the powerstrip somehow to be able to identify which is which easier.
  19. NonstickRon

    Curious What Would Happen...

    What happens if water ends up leaching into a submersible heater? Would it electrocute all my fish? Would sticking my hand in it electrocute me? Would it blow a breaker out somewhere? I just can't keep from being nervous about that thing sitting down there whenever I look at it.
  20. NonstickRon

    Omg! Drrrooooolll-muchnes!

    Its funny...I was on looking at fish and clicked on the betta section and was like WOW!!! Look at those prices!! Totally insane $90 for a betta. I see various gorgeous ones all the time at the local shops for like $4-$8. lol I'd probably pay $8 for that...
  21. NonstickRon


    Complaint sent. Also informed them they need at the VERY LEAST 2 gallons of water for each inch of fish.
  22. NonstickRon

    Uphill Battle

    Just did a base test of my tap water here at work. PH tested off the highPH chart - over 8.8. 1ppm ammonia and 5.0ppm nitrate. I can only imagine the chlorine levels...when i first moved to Florida from New England in '91 though, I could taste/smell it in the tap water. I have a bottle of...
  23. NonstickRon

    Air Stones

    Could you explain the point to all the different sizes? Why do bigger tanks require more powerful airpumps? I'm using a 20 gallon air pump on my 10 gallon tank cause I figured more is better but it really doesn't seem to make any sense to me. sand is a lot finer than coral sand...
  24. NonstickRon

    Best Fish...?

    What is it?
  25. NonstickRon

    Air Stones

    A bubble wall strip will definitely "disturb the surface" of your tank. I put one in yesterday that stretches all the way across the back of my 10 gallon. Looks great. The fish seem to like it, I had to turn the valve down a bit though, at full blast the uplift was really stirring up my tank...
  26. NonstickRon

    Newbe Was Seen Walk In To The Doors Of Fish Store

    One thing I keep seeing mentioned in my online research on forums and question/answer sites is a product called PRIME. Apparently it detoxifies your ammonia, nitrites and nitrates without removing them. The biggest drawback seems to be your test kit will keep testing positive for them and you...
  27. NonstickRon

    Reducing The Number Of Fish In The Tank

    Find someone with a predatory fish maybe. Donate some to it's tummy. In the past when I've had to euthanize tiny critters, I've always used the freezer. Thats how I'd prefer to go, I've read that when you freeze to death your body fall asleep before it kills you. Most painless way I can...
  28. NonstickRon

    Newbe Was Seen Walk In To The Doors Of Fish Store

    Not every person in that store is bad because experience you've had. They have to have at least 1 knowledgeable person, to keep their own fish alive. It's probably either the owner/manager or one really hardcore employee. At the very least, use the "I need to speak to someone who knows more...
  29. NonstickRon

    Newbe Was Seen Walk In To The Doors Of Fish Store

    I feel your pain man. You should: 1) Get your money back for the fish. Seriously. Find someone who is a good talker to go with you if you need to. Your pissed off wife might be just the ticket. Good cop bad cop them. Don't get violent/belligerent or make threats, but be firm and...
  30. NonstickRon

    High Temp In Office On Weekends

    Stuck in a 12 inch bubble strip today with a 20gal airpump and stuck in a thermometer. Bought some sinking driftwood today too, its soaking now.
  31. NonstickRon

    Link For The Puffer Central Sticky Shows how to trim a puffers teeth.
  32. NonstickRon

    High Temp In Office On Weekends

    No, its a closed top. I've lowered the water level as recommended previously and the filter is bubbling the surface up nicely. The sticky strip thermometer on the tank is no good i think. Goes up to 84 and its still reading off the top of that...I'm probably going to strip that off of there...
  33. NonstickRon

    High Temp In Office On Weekends

    Well, its only a 10 gallon, so probably a couple cory cats and I was thinking some harlequin rasboras.
  34. NonstickRon

    High Temp In Office On Weekends

    Preface this by saying I'm in Central Florida... I stopped up at my office to see how the tank was coming at work this afternoon...and it was 81 degrees according to the thermostat and it was several degrees warmer in my office than near the thermostat. Now I did some googling and apparently...
  35. NonstickRon

    Cycling With One Fish Present.....?

    I'm trying Tetra Safestart. You might want to look into something like that.
  36. NonstickRon

    New To Hobby, Started 10 Gallon 1 1/2 Weeks Ago - Progress Overview

    I got frustrated trying to figure out how to make that filter not suck so I returned it and got a Penguin 200 biowheel model instead. I figured it didn't matter at this point since I havn't even had an ammonia spike yet. Seems odd to me now that over 2 weeks has gone by and no ammonia spike...
  37. NonstickRon

    Hmm...biowheel Needing Replacement?

    Went back today with my daughter to add the sand and water and try pugging it all in. The biowheel turns but very slowly. I'm thinking of just chilling on it and letting it all just run till I can afford to spend $20 on a whole new penguin 150. (Wife is starting to get annoyed at how much I'm...
  38. NonstickRon

    Hmm...biowheel Needing Replacement?

    Someone gave me a 5 gallon tank, full setup...condition was I had to rescue it from some really really insane lime/calcium buildup. I'm not sure whether or not I can use the filter as is, i tried to get as much of it cleaned off as possible but theres still a lot down in there I cant reach to...
  39. NonstickRon

    Neglected 'office' Tank

    Good golly that was a lot of work. I got most of the gunk off. Was lime build up after all. Man, our water here is scary. lol The filter was totally caked with the stuff, the entire interior surface...the intake tube is lined with it still. I'm not sure whether to even bother trying to...