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  1. NonstickRon


    Yeah, I only had 4 of them...I realize that is probably a lot to do with it. I didn't want just a tank of Serpae at home though, so I didn't grow the school...was hoping to have a variety of fish in there for my daughter. I'm fine with a species tank here at work though. It actually started...
  2. NonstickRon


    Well, I'm hoping they'll come over soon and see how awesome my little tank is doing and maybe ask me for some advice. What you describe OldMan sounds exactly right. In the past he always had pretty good success till he did a good cleaning after putting it off for a looong time. Thats when...
  3. NonstickRon


    Ok, so instead of trying to find something to put anything else in my 10gal with the Serpae that they won't mutilate...I'm just going to take everything (4 harlequins & 3 corys) out of my 8(ish?) gallon bow front and take them home to put in with the Flame Tetra (that the lady at the petstore...
  4. NonstickRon


    So my friend wanted to give me his 55 gallon awhile back. He was ready to give up on aquariums after years of owningn them in various sizes and having waves of fish dying off. He got to the point where he'd just throw his cast net out over the big pond in his yard and whatever little fish he...
  5. NonstickRon

    "high Quality Fish Food"

    Hmm. When I run out of flakes I'll buy some of that max complete stuff...the name sounds good anyway. Dnn3, I was just looking at the blood worms I bought today (first time buying frozen food) and it says Bio Pure down one side, but its actually by Hikari. Says Hikari Sales on a different...
  6. NonstickRon

    Can This Filter Ever Be Cycled?

    Its a poor design. Call the Tetra Support line, they'll mail you a sponge cartridge that will slide down in there. I had the same questions and called them and they mailed me one in about a week.
  7. NonstickRon

    "high Quality Fish Food"

    So, lots of fish bios say they "Show their best colors after having them in the aquarium for a few weeks and feeding them high quality fish food." So uh...I know variety is good, brine, blood-worms, flakes, wafers, etc. Right now I'm just using brands I randomly selected. Does anyone have...
  8. NonstickRon

    Woooo! Stinky!

    I seriously need to find a way to neutralize that stuff. I'm thinking about going back to work and dumping several gallons of water on it and blaming tropical storm Fay for the mess. I posted a message on Seachem's support forum asking about any way to neutralize it. :shout:
  9. NonstickRon

    Woooo! Stinky!

    Just dumped half a bottle of Prime all over myself and the carpet here at my office. :crazy: Smells horrible...I hope I don't get in trouble.
  10. NonstickRon

    The Chemicals In Liquid Test Kits

    For what its worth, i've taken to using a needle-less syringe I got in the bird section of the pet store to fill the test tubes with water. Easier than swearing for 5 minutes as I try repeatedly to tip just the right amount out of the tube after holding it under the water.
  11. NonstickRon

    Rain Water In Tanks

    Right, of course. I'm not saying to use roof run-off. Tar is nasty stuff. Just sayin rain/melted snow is the source of water for most of the worlds fresh water fish. Collected properly it should be fine, depending on peoples locations of course. I'd definitely test before using, but that...
  12. NonstickRon

    I Hate You All (sand Lovers)!

    I have some black flourite sand arriving by UPS today. :D They just crush the flourite down finer. Got it from BigAl's
  13. NonstickRon


    I started using the Culligan, fill your own 5 gal jug for $1.25, water dispenser at the new wal-mart near my house.
  14. NonstickRon

    Ok .. Puffer Not In A Community Tank?

    I don't personally know but I found an interesting puffer resource.
  15. NonstickRon

    H. Rasbora Corpse Stuck To Filter This Morning

    ph 7.4 (tap 8.8) am 1ppm (tap 1) ni 0 na 5ppm (tap 5) Did a 60% water change with bottled water yesterday to get the ammonia down from a little higher (i think) than 2ppm. That was at like 9am, fish all seemed fine when I left at 1pm. This morning had one of the smaller rasboras on the filter...
  16. NonstickRon

    So Much Is Going Wrong

    I see you mentioned changing your substrate to sand. That mighta been what took out your filter, if you had it running while the sand was all stirred up...
  17. NonstickRon

    The Chemicals In Liquid Test Kits

    Well, I wouldn't make a vodka martini with them, but I've never had a problem just using them barehanded.
  18. NonstickRon

    Brown Water - Please Help!

    For what its worth, I've read the tannins are very good for the fishies.
  19. NonstickRon

    Ro And Or Rain Water

    Rainwater is used in breeding vats, ponds, lakes, rivers etc everywhere...I'd be worried about whats leaching into it from your roof though.
  20. NonstickRon

    Brown Algae

    I put a couple "mystery snails" in my tank and while they havn't cleaned it up completely, they're eating the coolest little trails in it where its growing on the glass. lol I think if I added more snails they might do the job a little better.
  21. NonstickRon

    Rain Water In Tanks

    Look at it this in ponds everywhere thrive on rainwater. Most large scale fish breeders use outdoor vats as well.
  22. NonstickRon

    Some Advice On Readings

    Most of the people responding have more experience than I do. I'll start with that. That said, 1ppm still being too high, personally I'd put something in there to detoxify the ammonia. Seachem PRIME seems to be a very trusted product that says right on the bottle it can be used during initial...
  23. NonstickRon

    Don't Cichlids Eat Snails?

    Maybe he has both, there isn't a forum channel for that.
  24. NonstickRon


    Sure, been dumping in copious amounts of Seachem Neutral Regulator and got my tap down from 8.8 to 7.8 at work...and thats by using a 10 gallon dose with daily 2 gallon water changes. (using tap on the at work tank cause obviously hauling gallons of water to work with me every day is less...
  25. NonstickRon


    Yeah, the PH in the local tap is actually very high here. I get 8.8, he said 8.0 where he was at. Actually very ideal for cichlids, and thats all he sells. So... Brought a friend up there with me yesterday, got him wanting to do a cichlid pond after seeing the place. Nobody would want to...
  26. NonstickRon


    Because I live in central florida and the PH here is insane due to high mineral content, and walmart spring water is only $.88 a gallon. RHI test kit puts my tap at 8.8 PH (or possibly higher - chart stops at 8.8), Ammonia 1ppm, and 5ppm nitrates. At some point when I can get a larger tank...
  27. NonstickRon


    So I've been doing a fish-in cycle with a 10 gallon. Been watching it closely (daily tests) and I finally had an ammonia spike. Did a 20% change with the last of my spring water...went to the store to buy some more and they were SOLD OUT :crazy: of ALL types of gallon size bottled water...
  28. NonstickRon


    Yeah, his vats were crazy full of plantlife. As far as breeding lines, I have no idea how the breeding vats are organized at his place or the fish farm he goes to so they may very well be be organized into pure lines. Me mentioned several times hes had to make-do since his fire. He just...
  29. NonstickRon


    Tap it with something metal like a spoon. You should be able to tell the difference. Or tap your teeth on the corner. Tap LIGHTLY...of course.
  30. NonstickRon


    So I found this place that specializes in Cichlids. He had a fire recently and lost about $40k in stock, so is now selling fish out of big concrete and giant plastic breeding ponds behind the burned out building. I talked to the guy, nice old guy, for about an hour today. I was really...
  31. NonstickRon

    <scratches Head...>

    Wow, no bones and all?
  32. NonstickRon

    <scratches Head...>

    So...went to work this morning and one of my harlequin rasboras was...gone. I took out the ornaments, sifted through the sand on the bottom...peeked into the filter. Nowhere to be found...and its only a 10 gallon. Wierd...I'm stumped. Only thing I can think of is hes buried in the sand and I...
  33. NonstickRon

    Why Are My Fish So Scared?

    Have you ever eaten sushi in front of them?
  34. NonstickRon

    On A Lfs Mission

    lol, maybe you should examine your own tactics as well...
  35. NonstickRon

    Otos: Hard To Keep Alive?

    3 or 6 probably depends on how hardcore of a fishkeeper you are. Its my observation that some people recommend 3 as a minimum for schooling fish, some people 4, 5 and 6.
  36. NonstickRon

    Ro Water - Affordable Options?

    Well..I mostly just drink beer. :D I'm just worried about the fishies.
  37. NonstickRon

    Glad I Bought Some Wood.

    Ok, PH had been holding steady at around 7.8...put some wood in last night and this morning the PH is 7.4 :hey: I had put in some ghost shrimp to help with clean up...was vaccing out the gravel this morning and saw a shrimp head go by...hopefully the wood will help them out. I put two long...
  38. NonstickRon

    Mixing Cory's

    I read they mix in the wild. My peppered cory and my emerald like to chill together, but the albino I have seems perfectly happy to tool around by itself.
  39. NonstickRon

    New Tank What Fish?

    Might be a tight fit...
  40. NonstickRon

    Ro Water - Affordable Options?

    NM, found my answer to that last question elsewhere. :hyper: