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  1. F

    upgrading to a 200g aquarium

    i think what im gonna do is put a divider in the middle and make one have a cicilit ( can't spell it) tank
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    got a tank, wanna put it saltwater fish

    how much money it costs to get it started doesn't mater, im looking for the monthly maintenance cost
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    upgrading to a 200g aquarium

    :hyper: i have a 20g aquarium right now where i have 3 neon tetras, 3 red eye tetras, 3 cherry barbs, and 3 tiger barbs, when adding my old fish, can i do the water cycling for a couple days and than add all the fish, or what else? and when buying new fish what other spicies can i put in there...
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    got a tank, wanna put it saltwater fish

    resently got a new tank (200g) and im thinking about putting in saltwater fish what do i need for it? , and what am i getting myself into, is it harder to keep the fish alive than in freshwater tanks? how much is gonna cost for keeping saltwater fish compert to freshwater fish. thanks in advance
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    Raise your hand...

    only when in angry at my fish, i also do the backhand threat every once in a while :stupid: :byebye: :fish: :band:
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    20 Gallon

    when i bought my 20 gallon combo tank it came with everything included exept gravel, water, and fish. hope that helps
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    is there any way that i can get algae to grow in my tank my alge eater is running out of food :huh: i can get to much sun on the tank and he doesn't like eating algae disk i bought for him/her thanks in advance for any help
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    cleaning the tank

    this maybe a silly question but when i do a water change sould i put the vacuum hose through the gravel or just take water out of the tank?
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    How fast does ick become a problem

    because i noticed one fish have one little white spot and it tail fin, how long can i go without medacine?
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    3 quick questions

    ok ill stike with the once a week do you know where i can get a picture of corys or otos.
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    3 quick questions

    just to add not one fish has died yet
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    3 quick questions

    first of i don't wanna increace my water changes i wanna decrease it (how does once every 2 weeks sound) and i go a 30 gallon tank where i wanna keep all the fish small so i can have more of them
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    3 quick questions

    1. had my community aquarium up for 4 months now, how often should i do the water change? Right now its once a week. 2. I like to change all the auarium decor every once in a while, does that hurt the fish? 3. What kind of other fish would go great with my tetras? (3 neon, 3 black neon, and 3...
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    bottom feeders

    thanks noelberg :thumbs:
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    bottom feeders

    I hate to say it but thats not really answering my question. I bought that bottom feeder so i don't have to take out all the none eaten food from my other fish. I was told by the fish guy at the petstore that any uneaten food will make nitraits in my take which is bad for the fish. I wanna know...
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    bottom feeders

    I got the flake food Nutrafin Max i feed my fish and it does fall to the bottom and the miget catfish i have eats it just fine. I heard that your sopposed to get all the uneaten food out quikly after feeding them, but the bottom feeder usually can't find any food by then. Any help?
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    bottom feeders

    :unsure: How long can I keep food in my tanks for my bottom feeder. I know with my other fish I suposed to feed them for 2 min. and the second question is that I feed my fish twice a day ( acording to the fish guy at the petstore) , the instutions said 3 times. Whice one is better
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    If money were no object, what wud u buy?

    I would get me a mermaid tank going just because money is no object :D
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    fish size

    i think i should have said it earlier but i got a comunity aquarium with a few tetras, a couple cherry barbs, and some guppies. I wanna know because of that 1 inch of fish for every gallon. With that theory my aquarium is full but i dosn't look like it.
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    fish size

    I would like to know how long it takes for fish to grow to there full size and how long to they live?