bottom feeders


Fish Fanatic
May 30, 2004
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:unsure: How long can I keep food in my tanks for my bottom feeder. I know with my other fish I suposed to feed them for 2 min. and the second question is that I feed my fish twice a day ( acording to the fish guy at the petstore) , the instutions said 3 times. Whice one is better
fish food companies make sinking food such as shrimp pellets, etc. for the bottom feeders. some flakes may also fall to the bottom, and will be found by your bottom dwellers. If u can't get sinking foods for 1 reason or another, release some flakes underwater and they will fall for the bottom feeders.

I would only feed twice daily. I usally only feed once daily, but that's because my fish are getting too fat.
I got the flake food Nutrafin Max i feed my fish and it does fall to the bottom and the miget catfish i have eats it just fine. I heard that your sopposed to get all the uneaten food out quikly after feeding them, but the bottom feeder usually can't find any food by then. Any help?
1) feed bottom feeders once every 3 days (algee eater only, other bottom feeders like normal fish) the food can stay there as long as u like but don't feed again till it's gone

2) i feed my fish 1-2 a day 3 times if i feel like it. i feed then about 2 flakes per fish. now fish can live about 14 days without food so don't worry about not feeding them enough. u should however feed a balcanced and varied diet.

the instructions on the tubs of food will always say 3 times a day as the more u feed the more u buy and the more u buy the more money the get.

so to conclude feed twice a day and for bottom feeders use sinking pelets every 3 days (algee eater only, other bottom feeders like normal fish).
I hate to say it but thats not really answering my question. I bought that bottom feeder so i don't have to take out all the none eaten food from my other fish. I was told by the fish guy at the petstore that any uneaten food will make nitraits in my take which is bad for the fish. I wanna know if i come back and look at my aquarium 1 hour later and there is still a couple flakes left sould I get my net and get them out of there?
if u plan on using the flake food for a while for the bottom feeders, u don't have to remove uneaten food right away, otherwise the catfish won't get any! part of the reason we keep catfish is so they munch on the food that the other fish miss :) gotta love scavengers

ps: if u have a lot of food left on the bottom and have to net it up every time u feed, then you're overfeeding and would be best to cut down on how much or how often u feed.
I agree with noelberg. I've always heard "Scoop out any uneaten food after 3-5 minutes." Instead of doing that, I have quite a few bottom feeders (6 Cory Cats) and I don't remove the food after feeding. I let leftovers float to the bottom, I just make sure to do a good gravel vac every week. My water readings (except for one stunt in the beginning where my ammonia levels were high because I NEVER did a vaccum...) have always been great. :)

Hope this helps as well. :)

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