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I'm trying really hard to act normal
Feb 28, 2003
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I'll admit it...I talk to all of them! :lol: My bettas (often telling them how hansome they are) :wub: , and everyone in their new roomy 65 gallon tank. I've had a talk with the krib about sharing, and the white-cheeked goby is reminded that he is my favorite, but he can't tell anyone else.

Anyone else converse with their finned friends?
I do to an extent, mostly when I'm taking pics "Sit still!" I yell at my female bettas to be nice, I tell my boys how tough they are.

I am a dork, most of all I just smile and laugh at them. :p
I talk to them on occasion. I used to talk to them all the time until they started talking back. They were telling me to bury my family in a shallow grave by the railroad tracks. At that point I just said "bad fishy, bad bad bad"
ROFL!! Yes I talk to my guys all the time! "ooh you're a handsome lil fella now aren't you!" "oi, play nice!" "Mr. Snail, you're so lazy....." lol the list goes on.....if it's not my cat or my dog it's my fish or my stuffed toy cow :p
only when in angry at my fish, i also do the backhand threat every once in a while :stupid: :byebye: :fish: :band:
I talk to the bettas and the platy fry. The other fish give me dirty looks when I try to make polite conversation :dunno:

I don't, but my male Golden Retriever does! He's fascinated by this little ten gallon and sits in front of it for ages on end. Eventually he gets fed up and starts grumbling very quietly to the oranda (dubbed Trooper now because he lived through the cycle). After a few grumbles, he lets out a sharp bark, tail on the wag all the while. He's obsessed! He *rushes* to the tank first thing in the morning to see if "his fish" is ok.
I don't talk to them, but I use them as paragons of might. My one betta Fu'quan, always gets talked about. Like if I'm arguing with my brother I'll tell him how I'm going to get Fu'quan to attack him and "devour his soul". Then we both just look at him wiggling in his tank and have to laugh.
I talk to my platy fry...."Eat up little guys...get big and strong"
And to my male "nearly adult" platy fry......"Why did you have to be male?"
And to my platies......"What do you guys want to eat? Bloodworms or flakes?"

To my EYs....."Wheres number 6? Go fetch him" (one of them always hides)

To my male bnose "Are you the sexiest fish ever?" (and he replies with a flip of the tail)

Hmmm....I do talk to them more than that buy uoi probably allready think I am crazy enough!!

My cat likes story time I got in the habit of reading a book on my lazyboy and the cat jumped up on my lap so I started reading outloud to her, within a week the dog joined her, and now my fish listen into story time.
Just a quick "Goodbye little fishies" in the morning as I go to work and a "How's it going" or "What's happening guys?" in the evening when i get back. :*)

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