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  1. C

    Live Rock

    They ship all over the world..
  2. C

    Clownfish Not Eating

    I have seen that swimming behavior before in clowns. Unfortunately it was right before they were getting ready to die.. :( I had some a few years ago and they were doing EXACTLY what you have described. Hopefully yours will be fine..
  3. C

    Live Rock

    I bought some off of ebay for $1.99 lbs. from ocean pro. It seems to be just fine. They ship it from a place in Cali. Has anyone ever done business with them?
  4. C

    Bio Balls Vs. Live Rock

    This really cleared up a lot for me.. Thanks Guys.. :D
  5. C

    Bio Balls Vs. Live Rock

    good advice. What about the "macaroni" in the canisters? Do I just leave those in? That's to help control the ammonia right..?
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    Bio Balls Vs. Live Rock

    So should I get rid of the bio balls or is it okay to run the bio balls and live rock together?
  7. C

    Is This A Good Idea?

    How can you add a cleanup crew before you add fish if you dont have any alage or anything for the crew to clean up. Won't they die? This is something that has confused me for awhile now.
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    Bio Balls Vs. Live Rock

    I have been reading a lot about bio balls and live rock the past week. I have LR in my tank and bio balls in my canister filters. (2 xp3's) I have an 80 gal tank with about 60lbs of LR. Is it not good to have LR and bio balls together? Do I need to remove my bio balls.
  9. C

    Live Rock

    you know as big as Phoenix is, there are only a few good saltwater stores. All the LR out here is $7.99+ I've seen a lot of places online claim to have free shipping. I'll have to weigh it out and see. Again thanks
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    Live Rock

    Thanks a lot. I just wanted to make sure before I bought a whole bunch of it. Any info on where to get the best deal online for LR?
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    Live Rock

    What is the rule of thumb for live rock? I mean I know that LR is suppose to be the key for salt tanks. I know that you should have about 1-1/5 Pounds per gal or LR. But what about lighting? If I am doing a Fish Only tank, so I need the 100+ watt lights to substain the LR? I have a 45 watt bulb...
  12. C

    Ick Problem

    Thanks.. That is what I did.. It sucks starting all over though.. I have got to set up a small QT tank. I have learned my lesson. :D
  13. C

    Ick Problem

    shouldn't the carbon get rid of the copper??
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    Ick Problem

    I did some research on rid ich+ before I bought it. It claims to be safe for iverts and live rock. Do you still think I should drain all of the water? That seems extreme. Is there any other way of getting rid of the copper? This really sucks.. :(
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    Ick Problem

    Hey guys, I had a bad case of ick go through my tank for a fish I got from my LFS. I was using rid ich+ for about a week. Last night everything died but my shrimps. My question is, do I need to replace all the media in my filters and bleach my hard coral? My live rock seems to be okay. I'm just...
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    Can These Fish Co-exsist

    I think my best chance will be to get them all together and all small (the same size) I don't know yet...
  17. C

    Can These Fish Co-exsist

    Thanks for your input. My tank is right at 5 feet long. I will probably just get the tangs and not even deal with the triggers because I know they can get aggressive. I don't have any coral or do I plan on getting any. Right now I just have some damsels.
  18. C

    Can These Fish Co-exsist

    I just set up an 80gal and I want to purchase these fish. Can these fish co-exsists??? Clown Trigger Niger Trigger Yellow Tang Blue Hippo Tang I am getting mixed reviews from my reserach. So I figured I would ask the experts...