Ick Problem


New Member
Sep 21, 2006
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Phoenix, AZ
Hey guys, I had a bad case of ick go through my tank for a fish I got from my LFS. I was using rid ich+ for about a week. Last night everything died but my shrimps. My question is, do I need to replace all the media in my filters and bleach my hard coral? My live rock seems to be okay. I'm just pissed because I have to pretty much start from scratch. I took out my bio/carbon bag during the process (as it said to on the bottle). (I have two XP3's, I have an 80 gal tank) Can I just rinse out the bag and other media in the canaster and reuse it or do I need to get all new media? Next questions, how long do I have to wait before adding fish again. I was thinking about putting some damsels in this weekend for cycling. Any thoughts???

If its a copper based medication, not only do you have to change the media, but you'll also have to drain all the water out of the tank and re-fill it. Copper kills inverts...
I did some research on rid ich+ before I bought it. It claims to be safe for iverts and live rock. Do you still think I should drain all of the water? That seems extreme. Is there any other way of getting rid of the copper? This really sucks.. :(
If its reef safe then it wont be copper based.
I would advise a partial water change and a good skimmer. this should beenough to remove any unwanted medication in the system.
Thanks.. That is what I did.. It sucks starting all over though.. I have got to set up a small QT tank. I have learned my lesson. :D

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