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  1. C


    That they are gonna mate or are just being aggressive toward each other b/c territories?
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    New 37 tall

    Can convicts go with angelfish? Cuz my gf wants some angelfish and I think they are cool too. I have fry in my 29 gallon right now and in a few week maybe in a month I wanna move them. I just got the tank. Thanks
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    My firemouth and texas cichlid keep flaring their gills, lip locking and going in circles together. I had the texas in the tank first and added the firemouth after.(120 gallon) At first the texas was chasing the FM and now it seems like the FM is sticking up for him/herself. I think the FM is...
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    Well right now I really don't anywhere to put the tinfoil barbs. I do have an extra 55 gallon that doesnt have anything in it but my mom doesnt want me to have anymore tanks. I already have: 55, 120, and 29. Thanks for the advice though.
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    No I haven't heard of those before...I will look into it though.
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    I have 2 Emperor 400s and another small hang on filter. I think its a penguin 180.
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    Thanks! I can always put my convict back in my 29 gallon with my female. But right now I have some convict babies in there with the female so I don't want to put the male back in there now.
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    Here is what I have in my 120 gallon: 4" Oscar 3" Jack Dempsey 2" Convict (male) 2" Texas Cichlid 3 3" Tinfoil Barbs 4" Pleco All of them seem to get along good but I just added the Texas Cichlid last night and he already has a part of his tail missing. And I don't think it was like that...
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    Convict Fry

    Thanks...I have some on my computer but I can't get them on this forum.
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    Convict Fry

    I have convict fry! How long does it take before the fry are free swimming. Right now they just stay at the bottom of the tank moving around. They look kinda like tadpoles. I was excited when I realized I had fry. I also had a striped raphael catfish in there. And when I trying to catch...
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    Convicts Breeding?

    I have fish fry. It's cool...they are really small. I dont have anything to feed them but flake...will it be ok to just crumble up some flakes real fine? Also do I need to move the fry to my ten gallon tank? thanks
  12. C

    Convicts Breeding?

    Thanks semper fi. I might make my own daphnia. I have seen the female pick up several pieces of rocks with her mouth and move them out of the hole. Will she lay the eggs on the bottom of the tank. It looks like I have eggs on the bottom of the tank were the hole is. I have a cave but my...
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    Convicts Breeding?

    Well its a 29 gallon tank and the only other tankmate is a striped raphael cat but he never come out from under the cave. But both the male and femal seem to be more aggressive now.
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    Convicts Breeding?

    Looks like I have eggs...But I'm not real sure. Cuz I really dont know what they look like. Is it normal for convicts to lay their eggs on the bottom of the aquarium? (were they dug the hole) Thanks in advance
  15. C

    Convicts Breeding?

    I never see them fighting so I think I will just leave them together. I also have a striped rapheal cat in there with them. But he stay hidden under a cave I have in there. Maybe they wont mess with him.
  16. C

    Convicts or Firemouths?

    Jumpman I'm gonna raise some of them in an extra ten gallon tank that is empty. And I'm gonna use some of them as feeders for my oscars in my 120 gallon tank. Thanks guys!!!
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    Convicts Breeding?

  18. C

    Convicts Breeding?

    Are my fish about to lay eggs? Or maybe they already have. The tank was given to me and it has a background on the one side that the convict dug the hole so I really can't tell...and I'm new to convicts and I have never seen fish eggs. But the reason I ask is because the female stays around...
  19. C

    Convicts Breeding?

    I am pretty sure I have a pair. One has a orange/red spot on its sides. And the other doesnt. But I'm not sure how big they have to be to breed. Cuz the female is only about 1 inch, and the male is about 1 1/2 inches...I have some pics on my computer. But I don't know how to put them on...
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    Convicts Breeding?

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    Convicts Breeding?

  22. C

    Convicts Breeding?

    Yesterday mourning when I got home I noticed a whole dug in the corner of my tank. And this mourning when I got home its even deeper almost to the bottom of the tank. Is this a sign of breeding? Thanks
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    Convicts or Firemouths?

    Thanks a lot
  24. C

    Convicts or Firemouths?

    Thanks! I decided to use black rocks. I got 2 black convicts and a striped raphael catfish. I think I have a male and a female. The guy at the pet store said the ones with red on the lower part of their stripes were males. Is this true? Also the female chases the male. The female is about...
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    Convicts or Firemouths?

    Is it harder to clean sand than rocks. I use a python. And I was thinking the sand would be sucked up the tube when I stir it up. Anybody with experience with this? Need advice please. Thanks again
  26. C

    Convicts or Firemouths?

    Should I get a pair of convicts or firemouths for my 29 gallon tank? Do cons and firemouths both like sand...I was thinks about removing the rocks and puting sand in it. Let me know what you guys think. BTW the tank is empty
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    Black Sharks

    I looked up some information on black sharks and most sites said they grow to sizes between 18-24 this true...cuz I was gonna get one for my 120g tank but the guy at the pet store told me they only get to be 8 inches and my oscars would probably beat up on him...Thanks!!!
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    Oscars/Tinfoil Barbs together

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    Oscars/Tinfoil Barbs together

    I have 3 2 inch tinfoil barbs in a 55 gallon right now along with 5 1 inch silver dollars and a pleco. My oscars are in a 120 gallon tank with a pleco. My oscars are about 3 inches long and my pleco is about 4 inches long. My question is...Will my tinfoil barbs catch up to the oscars in size...
  30. C

    Silver dollars with Tinfoil Barbs?

    Well I have already added 3 tinfoils barbs. So I now have 3 tinfoil barbs, 5 silver dollars, 1 pictus cat, 1 upside down cat, and a pleco...I have a 120 gallon with 2 oscars and a pleco...I read that tinfoil barbs and silver dollars are sometimes seen with if my tinfoil barbs ever...
  31. C

    Pictus Cat with Oscars/Pleco?

    Would this work? My oscars are about 3 inches long and my pleco is about 5 inces long. They are in a 120 gallon tank. I tried adding silver dollars with my oscars and it didnt work very well. One of my oscars tried to eat him...he got out of my oscars mouth but died the next day. Just...
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    Help with Oscars!!!

  33. C

    Help with Oscars!!!

    I have 2, 3 inch oscars and a 5 inch pleco in a 120 gallon tank....And my pleco keeps sucking on the oscars. And the oscars dont even seem to care...they just let the pleco suck some and then the oscar swims...away whats going on? Is the pleco sucking their slime coat off? And what should I...
  34. C

    Silver dollars with Tinfoil Barbs?

    I currently have 5 silver dollars in a 55 Gallon tank. Would it be to crowded to add some tinfoil barbs...that is if they are compatible. Or should I add more silver dollars...any other suggestions would be nice. THanks
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    Good Idea or Bad Idea?

    Thanks everyone!!! I'm still not sure if I will add fish or not
  36. C

    Good Idea or Bad Idea?

    I have 2 oscars and a pleco in a 55 gallon. My 2 oscars are about 3 inches each and my pleco is about 5 inches. I just got a new tank which is 120 gallons. I think my 2 oscars are a pair. Would it be a bad idea to add a fish or two...and if so what? Maybe a Texas Cichlid or a Jack...
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    Thanks a lot!!!
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    Well its about 2-3 weeks old. not really sure. My nitrate, nitrite, and ph are just fine...I'm glad I got a Python...cuz I was thinking that I needed to do a few more water changes this week to get it down...Thanks for the advice
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    I just got a ammonia test kit. I tested my water a few days ago and the reading was like 3.0. So I did a 25% water change. And it helped a lil bit. But when I got home this mourning they were back to where they were 3.0 I just did another 25% water changed and it brought it down to .5 What...