Convicts Breeding?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 15, 2004
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Yesterday mourning when I got home I noticed a whole dug in the corner of my tank. And this mourning when I got home its even deeper almost to the bottom of the tank. Is this a sign of breeding? Thanks
my cons just had their first batch of fry, so I'm no expert yet, but I think they always do that, the tank mine are in looked like the himalaya after 3 days... :)
In my 'little' experience, I found the most secure sign of breeding the breeding tube of the female that gets very large.
I could see it from 10m distance the day she laid the eggs.
Yep....diggin a hole is a sign of da babies... :D ....Mine dug a crater in my you have a male and female..?...if so get ready for some around on this forum...theres lots of questions/info in here :blink:
convicts like to lay on a flat surface. they will also meticulously clean the spot where they are planning to lay their eggs. like to have a clean environment. the female will get orange on the belly and the orange will get larger and her belly larger. right before she lays her eggs you may notice the oviposter protruding from underneath as mentioned.
I am pretty sure I have a pair. One has a orange/red spot on its sides. And the other doesnt. But I'm not sure how big they have to be to breed. Cuz the female is only about 1 inch, and the male is about 1 1/2 inches...I have some pics on my computer. But I don't know how to put them on here. Can anyone help please?
Are my fish about to lay eggs? Or maybe they already have. The tank was given to me and it has a background on the one side that the convict dug the hole so I really can't tell...and I'm new to convicts and I have never seen fish eggs. But the reason I ask is because the female stays around the hole and then when she swims away the male swims up to the hole like they are protecting it. Also I just set up a 10 gallon tank. Do I need to use this to put the fry in? Thanks in advance!!!
Yes, there's a very good chance they have eggs in there. Do they come up to the window when you near the tank? Protecting it?
About the fry then, if the parents don't fight eachother (like mine did), then I would just leave them in with them. It's great to watch them take care of their babies...

Good luck with the newborns!
I never see them fighting so I think I will just leave them together. I also have a striped rapheal cat in there with them. But he stay hidden under a cave I have in there. Maybe they wont mess with him.
Looks like I have eggs...But I'm not real sure. Cuz I really dont know what they look like. Is it normal for convicts to lay their eggs on the bottom of the aquarium? (were they dug the hole) Thanks in advance
All cichlids dig, my males digs up my tank and theres no female in with him, if they are agressive to other tank mates you would have eggs, try putting your finger there, if they attack you then you have eggs.
Well its a 29 gallon tank and the only other tankmate is a striped raphael cat but he never come out from under the cave. But both the male and femal seem to be more aggressive now.

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