

Fish Fanatic
Apr 15, 2004
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Here is what I have in my 120 gallon:

4" Oscar
3" Jack Dempsey
2" Convict (male)
2" Texas Cichlid
3 3" Tinfoil Barbs
4" Pleco

All of them seem to get along good but I just added the Texas Cichlid last night and he already has a part of his tail missing. And I don't think it was like that when I got it. I don't know what the sex of the others besides the convict. Thanks for any advice.
well its close, dont add anymore fish, think about it when the fish are full grown, i think its just right, good mix of fish too btw
Thanks! I can always put my convict back in my 29 gallon with my female. But right now I have some convict babies in there with the female so I don't want to put the male back in there now.
I think you are just a little bit over stocked but it should be ok as long as you have a huge amount of filtration going and i mean alot! the oscar might end up getting hole in the head from poor water so keep up the water changes.
I have 2 Emperor 400s and another small hang on filter. I think its a penguin 180.
Do you know what a Bed Filter is? i would reconend one of those as there the best filters and pretty cheap as well, all you do is hook it upto another filter and it works off that.
No I haven't heard of those before...I will look into it though.
Chad, personally I'd remove the tinfoil barbs and replace them with 3-4 silver dollars. tinfoils grow to 13" ish and are very active fish. they're really best kept in 6' long tanks. I'm assuming of course that your 120 is a standard 4' x 2' x 2'. I just think in the long run going with silver dollars will give the fish more room to move around and put less strain on the bioload. :)
Well right now I really don't anywhere to put the tinfoil barbs. I do have an extra 55 gallon that doesnt have anything in it but my mom doesnt want me to have anymore tanks. I already have: 55, 120, and 29. Thanks for the advice though.

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