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    Red Eye Tetras

    hi i have 5 red eye tetras. 3 school together all the time, they are all rounded ones (i think female) teh other two stay separate one at one end of tank and oen at other are these 2 males? is this normal behavour?
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    Dwarf Cichlid Community Fish?

    hi can dwarf cichlids be housed with small tetras etc?
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    Best Algae Eaters

    35 gall. 48x12x15 community with tetras and small barbs and corys in
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    Ruby (red Finned/rainbow)

    hi ruby sharks.... peaceful and ok with small tetras or not please?
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    Silver Sharks Myth?

    hi will silver sharks outgrow a tank or grow to teh size of the tank. My lfs say they cannot outgrow a tank, just grow smaller ???
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    Best Algae Eaters

    hi whats the best algae eater for a community tank please?
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    same size as standard silver dollar?, same tempermant?, etc pls
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    hiya Does anyone know anything about the spotted version of silver dollars please?
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    School Of Tetras

    :-) cheers for the help on my topics too mate c ya Dave
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    Help Need Info On Tropical Shark....?

    what about 1 red finned shar in a 35 gallon tank with small tetras and small barbs and corys?
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    Help Need Info On Tropical Shark....?

    thanks pal but im interested in the other kind known as ruby or red finned or rainbow shark??
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    School Of Tetras

    id have to disagree. I can vouch my dads experience and a host of other friends who have no problems. Also try googling "are neons good starter fish for new set ups" hundreds of links and articles all saying yes. Agree to differ on this one with you trucka - but where would we all be if we all...
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    School Of Tetras

    i think its a myh that neons dont survive in new set ups. ive kept neons for years and my dad kept them for 40 yrs, alwys been fine in new set us. so long as you cycle properly they will b fine. i have 5 at teh moment and they all school together some hours then break away and always coem back...
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    Help Need Info On Tropical Shark....?

    haha, yeah Jaws is my favourite Lol... Rainbow (ruby) shark anyone?>?
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    Help Need Info On Tropical Shark....?

    i like the ruby (red finned) sharks, but its about 50/50 whether aggressive or not, some say yes, some say no
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    Help Need Info On Tropical Shark....?

    Hiya Please can you all tell me your experiences and knowledge on the different sharks out there. I love tropical sharks but if you google it you get many contrasting views on compatibility etcviews.
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    Thanks He has run tanks for 40 yrs now and always says he hsnt used any rules he said "you will know yourslef if a tank is overcrowded or poorly filtered" He said teh same as colin T once said that sometimes you can have 10 times the stocking guide so long as you filter correctly and chaneg...
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    he does a 25% waer change every second sunday apparently Its just that i bet if you calculated th inch per fish rule in his tank he is massively over he has 4 cherry barb 5 checker barb 6 corys 2 kuhli 5 red eye t 5 black phantom 5 neon 5 black neon 4 platy 1 plec 3 b heart t 3 silver dollar
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    Hi My dad has a 35 gal tank (48x12x15) he has had teh tank up and running for 18 months now so is very established. He has 50 fish in there (granted, most are small tetras and corys etc nothing really big, with the exception of 3 silver dollars) the tank is beautiful, no illnesses or problems...
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    48x15x18 matey
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    hi 3 silver dollars and 3 bleeding heart tetras or 2 silverd ollars and 4 bleeding heart tetras advice pls?
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    Single Fish

    whata bout 2x silver dollars?
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    Single Fish

    Yes mate 48X12X15 A single Bala would be no good i dont think either but want a entral tank figurehead any other suggestion pls?
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    Single Fish

    Hi Which fish can i buy to go in my tank with my tetras (red eyes, neons, phantoms and small barbs) I want ONE fish that will get on with them and can live on its own would 1 angel work ?
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    Can They?

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    Can They?

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    Colombian Or Bleeding Heart

    is it true that b hearts can be grouped in 3's rather than teh ususla tetra 5 or 6's??? i once had colombians, but they were extremely timid...
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    Colombian Or Bleeding Heart

    hi, which are most peaceful and your favourite pls?
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    cheers mate, have you still got yours?
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    Hi Silver dollars... I know they grow to 5 inch round but are they ok with small tetras such as neons?
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    any ideas pls?
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    hi is it possible to keep a single clown loach or 2 rather than a school? (communit tank with small tetras)
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    thats my big question 1 ruby or 3 silver? silvers are skittish, jump adn get distressed and grow massive so im tempted for the one ruby shark to be my "tank boss" :-) just worriedit will eat my neons etc
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    my tank is 48x12x15, 35 gallon i think. are rubys ok with small tetras etc? im getting contrasting views
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    Hiya Is it possible to keep a pair of silver sharks in a community tank. I know they get large but are two ok?, would they eat neons etc? are they peaceful? i was going to buy a ruby shark but im worried about their aggression
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    Community? Help Please. Much Appreciated

    all hlep,opinions apprecaited pls
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    Cichlids - Any Peaceful?

    hiya any cichlids able to live peaceful with small community fish such as neons? pls?
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    Community? Help Please. Much Appreciated

    thanks mate, any more views please?
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    Community? Help Please. Much Appreciated

    Hi Can you please put these fish in order of how peaceful (community ) they are pls THANKS VERY MUCH DC Bleeding Heart Tetra Black Ruby Barb Rainbow (Ruby) Shark Kribs Rummy nose Tetra Platy Scissortail Rasbora