School Of Tetras


Fish Fanatic
Jan 28, 2009
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Hi. I'm starting a 36 gallon tank. Yesterday I bought three neon tetras to start small. I'd like to eventually have a nice sized school of them (maybe 8 or 9 since they're so small) just so they can stand out in the tank a little more. But the three I got already don't stay together. Two of them do sometimes but one is always off doing his own thing.

Do you think they'll eventually come together?

Do you think if I got a few more a week from now anything would change?

I want to have a nice school of them, but if they don't actually stay together, I don't want to bother getting a few more.

Also, any chance I can add a betta into the tank at some point? I know they don't co-exist well but I have one alone in a ten gallon tank now that I'd like to combine with the 36 gallon tank if possible.
firstly neons should not be in a new tank, they will not survive cycling, and if you buy more they will school more but i doubt they will survive in a new tank
Hi. I'm starting a 36 gallon tank. Yesterday I bought three neon tetras to start small. I'd like to eventually have a nice sized school of them (maybe 8 or 9 since they're so small) just so they can stand out in the tank a little more. But the three I got already don't stay together. Two of them do sometimes but one is always off doing his own thing.

Do you think they'll eventually come together?

Do you think if I got a few more a week from now anything would change?

I want to have a nice school of them, but if they don't actually stay together, I don't want to bother getting a few more.

Also, any chance I can add a betta into the tank at some point? I know they don't co-exist well but I have one alone in a ten gallon tank now that I'd like to combine with the 36 gallon tank if possible.

well i read somewhere that actually neons dont necessarily shoal together all the time and if they are off doin there own thing then it means they're comfortable in there surrounding with no need to shoal as shoaling is more of a defence mechanism.

i had a betta in a community with neons and was totally fine although u will read that they nip its tail so you could try it and monitor the situation but like i say mine was fine
the neons will shoal more when you get a bigger group, as for the betta it fully depends on the individual male, each is different some will have any tankmates, others the odd few some none
We have 6 neons in our tank at home, and weve had for about a week after our new tank setup. Its been 2 months and they are lovely and fat with nice colours! I read after words that they are sensitive to water parameters, and im sure mine did fine as i did water changes daily back then till my filter cycled.
Our 6 like to stay together, they dot around and follow one another. They get along perfectly with all our fish including rasboras, other tetras and all our catfish.
I do recommend u get more though, they will be much happier
A few hours later and things seem to be changing already.

The loner looks like he has lost a tiny bit of color and doesn't go after food in the tank.

Meanwhile, the other two eat (a lot), but the bigger one of the two is now chasing after the other two bumping into them from time to time.

Maybe I've over analyzing but this doesn't seem like a good start. Should I quarantine the aggressive one? the one that doesn't eat?
I think it might be a little early to start a quarantine as its only been a couple days. These are new fish in a new territory and with other species this is time to start the pecking order. i dont know if this is true about neons but i imagine its similar. With a bigger group of fish the aggression is still persistant will be more widespread among the group.

So this is a 36G Brand new tank? No cycling yet?
Was just wondering so we can have a better picture of the situation.

Also Welcome to the forums :good: Lots to learn now i know i did. If things dont work out with these 3 maybe try giving fishless cycling a whirl. Can find it in the New to fishkeeping Area of the forum. Might help out futher stocking and or new tanks.

Good Luck!! :D
Hi. I'm starting a 36 gallon tank. Yesterday I bought three neon tetras to start small. I'd like to eventually have a nice sized school of them (maybe 8 or 9 since they're so small) just so they can stand out in the tank a little more. But the three I got already don't stay together. Two of them do sometimes but one is always off doing his own thing.

Do you think they'll eventually come together?

Do you think if I got a few more a week from now anything would change?

I want to have a nice school of them, but if they don't actually stay together, I don't want to bother getting a few more.

Also, any chance I can add a betta into the tank at some point? I know they don't co-exist well but I have one alone in a ten gallon tank now that I'd like to combine with the 36 gallon tank if possible.

well i read somewhere that actually neons dont necessarily shoal together all the time and if they are off doin there own thing then it means they're comfortable in there surrounding with no need to shoal as shoaling is more of a defence mechanism.

i had a betta in a community with neons and was totally fine although u will read that they nip its tail so you could try it and monitor the situation but like i say mine was fine
Hi there

I am a newbie, but this is my observation. Tetras shoal when they are insecure. Maybe even if you are changing the tank water lol. (safety in numbers and all that)!, My community tank is only 75L and so usually the Tetras are happy to move about independently, but any change to their environment and then they shoal. I have 8 Cardinals. Just my observation. C x
Hate to say this, but usually when a single tetra breaks away from the shoal (unless it is at night) it is having health issus. Also, judging by the fact that it is losing its color pretty much means it is ill and will pass away. I would keep the two fish you will have left, and get some bacteria starter and see if you can save the other two and cycle your tank.

also, as you add numbers they will stay together more
Thanks for all the responses guys.

The loner fish died last night. I saw him floating and barely swimming last night before I went to bed and he was sucked against the filter this morning. The other two look perfectly fine, though.

I tried cycling with a sock full of rocks from a tank thats been running for about 6 months. After about 10 days, there was no spike in ammonia or nitrates, so I gave up on that. Maybe it was too early.

Would you guys suggest trying it again even with the two fish left in the tank?

Also, since neons obviously aren't as hardy as the sales rep at my store told me, I'm torn as to what should be my next addition. Should I try something hardier to get the tank established? Or should I go with more tetras since there's only two and they like to be in schools?
i think its a myh that neons dont survive in new set ups. ive kept neons for years and my dad kept them for 40 yrs,
alwys been fine in new set us.
so long as you cycle properly they will b fine.
i have 5 at teh moment and they all school together some hours then break away and always coem back together. tehyw ill ebfine, dont worry, jsut buy 3 more
Thanks for all the responses guys.

Would you guys suggest trying it again even with the two fish left in the tank?

Also, since neons obviously aren't as hardy as the sales rep at my store told me, I'm torn as to what should be my next addition. Should I try something hardier to get the tank established? Or should I go with more tetras since there's only two and they like to be in schools?

I made the same mistake on my 55 gallon with trying to cycle it from my 10 live you learn. I would not add anything to the tank except for a bacteria supplement, and if you have time to do 15% water changes daily great, if not every other day or so. this may sound bad, but at the end of the day you only have two tetra's in there.

with those two fish in there, you will probably be fine after two weeks or so with some regular water changes. if you have another tank going, use the bio filter or sponge in the new tanks filter if possible and that should cycle it really quick. i enjoy my tetra schools, when i get a chance next i will be running a group of 20 or so in my 55 gallon with my discuss and syno.

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