Search results

  1. J

    african butterfly fish

    once my ABF ate 9 crickets. I let my girlfriend feed all my fish once, talk about unitentional nitrite spike. what a bad idea that was. "But they look at me and open their cute little mouths, and i feel bad." "Andrea, where did 1/5 of my flake food go?" :crazy: :wub:
  2. J

    heating in filter

    hey, i have a wet dry filter, i was wondering if i could put my heater in the filter as opposed to the tank for asthetic reasons or would it... (insert catastrophy here) thanks, john
  3. J


    ohh, i didn't know that, thanks. Now ill go and convert that to farenheit. Man i wish we used the metric system here in the us
  4. J


    Hey, I just bought a mosic gar, what temp should it be at? The woman at the lfs said 75, but seemed very hesitant, so I figured I'd double check. Thanks
  5. J

    new tank mate ideas

    My abf is in a 55g community tank and hasnt eaten any small surface dwellers yet. But i feed it crickets every other day so myabe thats why he is so docile. They are awesome fish, definatly a strong addition to any tank. He doesn't seem to need much room as he doesn't do all that much, except...
  6. J

    eye fungus on my betta???

    i have tons of really healthy plants and no algea, so i must assume my nitrAtes are low (my test kit doesnt test for nitrAtes). my PH is around a 7 i think (im a little color blind [makes testing tricky hahahaha sometimes i have to call my gf in to double check lol])
  7. J

    eye fungus on my betta???

    both are negligible. Close to zero, also, water quality is ok, did a 20% water change (well, more like 15%... lol i got lazy) 5 days ago. I gonna do a 30% change today before I reintroduce him into the tank. Also, (stupid question but....) How much salt constitutes a salt bath? I have a super...
  8. J

    eye fungus on my betta???

    My male betta a few days ago developed a nasty case of fungus i think. He had this white coat on his eyeball and white stuff coming out of the side of his mouth. And a white thing of gunk between his mouth and eye. I upped the salt by half again and started treating with melafix and now the...
  9. J


    yeah so boo-ya!
  10. J

    Stocking options for beginners

    sw tanks seem hard and expensive :-(
  11. J

    2 males int he same tank

    so far so good. The size of the tank definatly helps. They have seperate territories. But oddly enough, the territories are really close. On is on the front left side, the other is on the back left side. I think it's because the water is stiller over on the left side. I had a barb in there, had...
  12. J

    2 males int he same tank

    i've been watching them (all day it seems) and the white betta is too distracted by my african butterfly fish to bother the other betta. They share the same area and sometimes the betta pecks at cricket legs hanging out of the ABF's mouth. :* :wub:
  13. J

    I lost one of my babies

    I'm sorry about coral. Just think though, she's in fishy heaven right now.
  14. J

    My betta and African butterfly fish!!!

    Well, I have a 55 gallon tank with lots of little gold fish, and African butterfly fish, 2 bettas (i know its controversial, its being discussed in the betta section), 8 or 9 neons, a snail, and 6 or 7 ghost shrimp. One of my bettas ( a lovely completely whiteishpink color) and my ABF are in...
  15. J

    1 gallon tank

    thanks for all the replies :-D
  16. J

    1 gallon tank

    Hey, my girlfriend just got a 1 gallon tank as a gift (with a little mini filter and light). what would be a few fish that could withstand such unstable conditions? (has a really good filter for such a small tank so waste isn't really an issue)
  17. J

    2 males int he same tank

    so far so good. It's been 3 days and no fin nipping has occured. They basically stay away from each other except during feeding time during which they gang up my poor feeder fish (left over from cycling, couldnt bear to get rid of them) and eat all the food :D But yes, they have very distinct...
  18. J

    need help

    a 55 gallon with caves and its heavily planted
  19. J

    need help

    Hey, I really want a moray eel. But seeing as I can't turn my tank into a brackish one, I need a good alternative. Preferably something that looks similar. And no polyupterous's (sp???lol) Thanks, john
  20. J

    2 males int he same tank

    Hey, I was wondering if it were normal for 2 male bettas to get along in a big tank. As an experiment (standing there with the net ready of course) I put 2 male bettas in my 55 gallon tank together. Not only did they not duke it out, but they even swam and 'played' together for a while. Maybe...
  21. J

    Top Dwellers

    get an african butterfly fish, they are big and top dwelling and very no-nonsense. And its a blast feeding them crickets. :D
  22. J

    melafix and cycling

    good call on not returning him. I didnt think that one through lol. good thing i asked first :)
  23. J

    melafix and cycling

    will salt hurt a betta or neons, or african butterfly fish? thanks -john
  24. J


    Well, my ABF hasn't been eating for the last week and a half, which is coincidently when i first got him. Well, today, instead of feeding right before lights off, i fed him in the morning. He ate not 1 not 2 but 3 crickets. And some flake food :flex: . I am really exicited and thought I'd share...
  25. J

    melafix and cycling

    so, seeing as its just a feeder fish, should I issolate him? or give him back to the lfs? I realllly dont want to re-cycle my tank
  26. J

    melafix and cycling

    One of my fish has a little finrot. I was wondering if adding melafix will affect the cycling of the tank in any way. Thanks in advance -John
  27. J

    have a dumb question

    ok, good call. Thanks, ill try the cotton. :-D
  28. J

    have a dumb question

    I have a peice of driftwood in my tank (from the lfs, been boiled etc) and i want to attach java moss to it. How do i go about it. I was even thinking of stapling it to the drift wood. Would this cause problems? :dunno:
  29. J

    stress coat

    cool, thanks I hate eye balling it :whistle:
  30. J

    stress coat

    Does anyone know how many drops per gallon i should use withh this stuf? (made by aquarium pharmicuticuls)
  31. J

    whats a python?

    now i know i should have googled it.. but if people didn't ask questions, there would be no forum :-D
  32. J

    whats a python?

    Heya, dumb question, but whats a python. I gather that it's somesort of water changing device/cleaner(?) but does anyone have a pic? THanks
  33. J

    dechlorinating water

    wow, thanks a ton for all the usefull (and speedy) info. Thanks for the link also. I thought the aloe vera was good.. ahh well, seeing as i just bought a ton of it, they will just have to deal till i run out. :P
  34. J

    dechlorinating water

    hi, i have a quick question When I do my water changes, I do it by buckets (man does it suck [55gallon tank]) and i was wondering, so far i've been adding the dechlorinater (sp) to each bucket for fear of having the chlorine kill my bacteria. It's a massive pain in the butt cause i have...
  35. J

    Just thought of something funny. he he

    rofl. I'd just like to adknowledge Barday witty reply. :-D
  36. J

    Hey, about black lighting

    just realized i mislabeled the topic ;)
  37. J

    Hey, about black lighting

    Does it have any benefits? I don't think so, but id like some confirmation. The tank I bought was a marine tank, and the lighting box came with 2 black bulbs (the long skinny kind [sorry about my lack of techincal knowledge]) and the main white bulb. Can I replace the black one with a...
  38. J

    African butterfly fish

    ohh, LFS owner didn't say turbulent water was a problem. And yeah, ivehad him for 4 days now. THanks for th info
  39. J

    African butterfly fish

    My african butterflyfish isn't eatin. Why is that? he's in the tank with a bunch of feeder fish. The surface of the water is turbulent, but the lfs owner said that was fine. I dangle the cricket i the water for a second, and then let him float. The ABF is completely unintrested. Sometimes when I...
  40. J

    Question About fixing an old tank

    Whats broken on it? if its just leaking, then it's wicked easy. If the glass is cracked, it's a little harder. Either way, you can fix it yourself. In the case of a leak, just use a razor to remove the offending silicon, than reapply some silicon. Or if the glass is broke, just have a pane cut...