african butterfly fish


Fish Fanatic
Jan 13, 2005
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red deer alberta
just got africa butterfly fish, he loves to eat crickets but not sure how many to let him eat . He seem s to eat as many as i give, scared he will over eat and die.
any advise would be welcome.. thxs
Welcome to the fish forums! I've had my African butterfly fish (ABF for short) since last march. He knows how much food he can eat, and has never over eaten. Yours is probably hungry (Because you just got it, and fish at pet stores are generally underfed) I would reccomend switching him to dry food (like freeze dried krill) unless you don't mind getting crickets all the time ;)
good to hear that he won't over eat.
i already get a supply of crickets for my 2 fire bellied toads so they are not a problem
I have tried some freexed dries food (gouramie, blood worm and brine shrimp)
he seems to eat only live and moving foods
plan to get him more variety in the near future
any live food suggestionds welcome
Moved from newbies - might get more response here...

www :)
once my ABF ate 9 crickets. I let my girlfriend feed all my fish once, talk about unitentional nitrite spike. what a bad idea that was. "But they look at me and open their cute little mouths, and i feel bad." "Andrea, where did 1/5 of my flake food go?" :crazy: :wub:
my last ABF ate what ever!! He had cichlid gold pellets, flake, bloodworm froozen and live. I mainly had crickets for him though, he would somtimes mange 5 in 1 sitting.

unfortunaelt he escaped and now have 2 new ones which don't seem as keen but have taken crikets and small mealworms.

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