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  1. C

    Tank Size/stocking Dilemas.

    Nope. The center brace cracked and then eventually broke :( so I called and ordered an entire new top frame.
  2. C

    Tank Size/stocking Dilemas.

    I'm going nuts waiting for this darn frame to get here lol!!!
  3. C

    Tank Size/stocking Dilemas.

    What tank would be better for a planted aquarium? I have a 20 gallon long, and a 46 gallon bow front. I honestly cannot for the life of me make up my mind on which one to use for this. It also doesn't help that I need a new top frame for the bow front and I've been waiting for two weeks for it...
  4. C

    Your Friendliest Fish?

    My acei! Whenever I walk in the room its right up at the glass (then the others get excited) lol. In an old tank of mine it was definitely my danios. They were always first up to the glass and very intrigued by everything. Whenever I added a new fish they would always swim up to the bag and...
  5. C

    My 29G Rebuild Thread/journal

    looks good so far! I want to set up my new tank so bad! (I'm waiting on a new top frame because the center brace on my bowfront broke). Can't wait to see more!
  6. C

    Is This Guy Trying To Feed My Fish To His?

    Yeah..he's not getting them. I have one other person that has a 92 gallon corner tank that wants them. They have cichlids already so I'm sure they'll be taken care of properly if they go to him. If I was dumb enough to give them to the guy with the arowanas I'm sure they'd end up on YouTube in...
  7. C

    Is This Guy Trying To Feed My Fish To His?

    An electric yellow, an acei, a red peacock, and a tretocephalus.
  8. C

    Is This Guy Trying To Feed My Fish To His?

    I'm trying to safely re-home my cichlids to someone with an appropriate tank size and preferably has or has had cichlids prior to mine.   So this guy emails me asking if they're still available (which they are) and he emails me back saying he has a 100 gallon tank with two 6" arowanas...
  9. C

    Filtration On A 46 Gallon Bow Front.

    If I don't do the rams, they will be replaced with dwarf gouramis :)
  10. C

    Filtration On A 46 Gallon Bow Front.

      Yep! I'm only going to have the plants in while the tank cycles. The fish will come later but when its time I would like to add bolivian rams in with cardinal tetras and black skirt tetras! I was considering nanus cories (or another type of cory) as well.
  11. C

    Filtration On A 46 Gallon Bow Front.

      Thanks! I'm starting fresh! I re-homed the fish that were in there to a friend of mine. I really want to try out a planted tank with a couple rams and some tetras. In the past I had a lot of success with plants in gravel substrate. I haven't had much luck with plants and sand substrate but I'm...
  12. C

    Filtration On A 46 Gallon Bow Front.

    Hi all! So I just recently bought a new 46 gallon bow front! I wish I could've gotten a 72 but I got this thing dirt cheap off craigslist, I couldn't resist!   Anyway, I have a few questions. What would be the best filtration for this size tank? I have a 20 gallon long that I'm going to...
  13. C

    4Ft Fish Tank Stand?

    Not sure where you're located... Fish tank stands are expensive! I scored one of craigslist for next to nothing. You could try there.   If that didn't happen for me I was gonna go the d.i.y route myself. Then it would look exactly how you want and be cheaper...
  14. C

    40 Gallon Long! maybe I'll stick with the cardinal tetras, and the black skirt tetras..and get some bolivian rams then. I would love to just have two rams as a pair (I think that'd be super adorable).   I found a cory that I like..its the Nanus cory. So I suppose I could always put some of those as a...
  15. C

    40 Gallon Long!

      The rams are gorgeous! If I did either of those two, what would be a good number?   I'm thinking about,    cardinal tetras rams (either the bolivian or german blue, guess it depends on what my lfs has) black skirt tetras flame tetras (idk if thats the correct name. they're orange with red...
  16. C

    40 Gallon Long!

    Hi! New to the forum, not new to the hobby but very new to community tropical fish!   I have a 40 gallon long tank. Dimensions are 48" x 12" x 16".   Currently I have some cichlids in there that I want nothing more than to get rid of. They're gorgeous fish but I hate rearranging things every...
  17. C

    Tank Has Chip, Use It Or Toss It?

    I've had a tank for quite a while (over two years) that has a similar chip like that on the side. It hasn't leaked or creaked or busted or any of the above at all! lol. I think you'll be okay :)