Is This Guy Trying To Feed My Fish To His?


Mostly New Member
Jun 28, 2013
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I'm trying to safely re-home my cichlids to someone with an appropriate tank size and preferably has or has had cichlids prior to mine.
So this guy emails me asking if they're still available (which they are) and he emails me back saying he has a 100 gallon tank with two 6" arowanas, a polypterus, a fire eel and 2 jack dempseys...
My fish are currently only around 2.5" - 3" (mentioned in the craigslist post) !!!
Is he trying to make them tasty treats?!! I'm a little disturbed.
What fish is it that you are trying to sell?
An electric yellow, an acei, a red peacock, and a tretocephalus.
Two Arowana in a 450L tank? They may be small now.. Ha ha. Same goes for the Fire Eel, way overstocked for their adult growth size.
yea i deffinatly agree with sophie... Unless hes planning to upgrade to more than double his current tank size a 100 gallon wont keep the arowanna for long. I personally wouldnt give to him if he does not have an upgrade ready becuase hes not even giving his current stock what they need now. As for feeding your fish im not to sure ive never kept "monsters" my self but i have seen arowannas being kept with clown loaches.
Yeah..he's not getting them. I have one other person that has a 92 gallon corner tank that wants them. They have cichlids already so I'm sure they'll be taken care of properly if they go to him. If I was dumb enough to give them to the guy with the arowanas I'm sure they'd end up on YouTube in some awful movie.
christylee said:
Yeah..he's not getting them. I have one other person that has a 92 gallon corner tank that wants them. They have cichlids already so I'm sure they'll be taken care of properly if they go to him. If I was dumb enough to give them to the guy with the arowanas I'm sure they'd end up on YouTube in some awful movie.
Ugh I haven't looked much into YouTube videos as most are idiots - "Look I'm feeding my dog to my crocodile".
Either that or it's full of tutorial videos that are misinformed and/or overstocked tanks!
I've seen one of those movies myself. some a$$hole was wiggling this percula clown out of the water pretending it was Nemo talking to Dory (he had a Regal Tang) some of these things make me angry.

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