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  1. W

    New kit no spoon

    Any body have the Red Sea Fresh Lab kit that test ph-ammonia-and-nitrites if so is there a spoon that comes with it to add the powder to test the ammonia if so is it a table spoon, teaspoon what is it
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    planing a DP tank

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    planted tank showoff

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    I'm not sure when to start adding my plants and ornaments and stuff-- I didn't even start to cycle my tank yet When should i add my stuff
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    Cloudy Help Please

    most of the couldiness went away now i think i'm just gonna let it settle and add my surface skimmer to suck up all the floating stuff I got the gravel at home depot its pea gravel
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    Cloudy Help Please

    i did its still coudy
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    planted tank showoff

    My will be up soon just gotta get it started
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    Cloudy Help Please

    did that its still cloady I can see the dust in the tank i let the water overflow in a bucket for 2 hours did a gravel siphone twice its better now but not clear
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    sand and gravel

    I already have gravel and water in my tank (no fish-not cycled yet) can i add some sand to go in a bare spot in the gravel while theres water in the tank
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    Some fishy pictures (ok lots of them)

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    Cloudy Help Please

    I started a new tank yesterday and its cloudy I came yo a conclusion that i didn't clean my gravel good enough should i siphone it with a gravel cleaner,let it sit or sumin else
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    ok just need to know that it would go away
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    I just set up my 29G 2day and it is cloudy if u look though the tank from the side u can see halfway though I used Pea-Gravel from homedepot mayb i didn't clean it good B/C soon as i added the first inch of water it was cloudy. Will this go away by itself??? :dunno: :dunno: :dunno: :dunno...
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    planted tank showoff

    Post ur pics of your beautiful planted tanks this thread can be used to inspire others on there tanks
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    dont understand fishless cycle

    should i do a big water change after i have ammonia and nitirtes at zero
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    Do Fish Sleep?

    i never seen one fish sleep ever
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    dont understand fishless cycle

    can i use amonian that u use to clean that can be bought at a super market
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    dont understand fishless cycle

    have u ever seen it on an online pet store
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    I need 60w or more light for my 29g how can i get without spending over $100 i rather spend $50 but if i nee to use a $100 i will
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    dont understand fishless cycle

    would this work as ammonia(is it) link to ammonia that i can buy none of the online pet stores that i no have it
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    PH stabilizer

    what is the best 7.0 Ph stabilizer link will a stabilizer like the Proper 7.0 stuff bring it up or down to 7.0
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    dont understand fishless cycle

    were can i get good pure amonia how much do i add
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    dont understand fishless cycle

    some on told me this is how its done-- buy some amonia at homedepot test the water for nitrates,nitrites, and amonia and keep adding the amonia until there is no amonia and nitrites IS THIS RIGHT If it isn't some one tell me how dont give me a link
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    whats that
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    my mature tank has a differnt filter than my new one my mature tank has a canister and my new has a power filter what filter media do i put in the new tank sponge-carbon-etc. if it doesnt fit in the new filter can i just put it in the water
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    How do i cycle my tank

    How do i cycle my 29g tank i have a 30g with a canister filter should i rinse the sponge out in the 29g or should i buy fish and cycle it how do i no when its done cycling. I need to the basics of cycling
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    How Do You Clone A Tank ?!?! and can that be used to cycle
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    yea were can i get one of thos
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    new tank

    my fixture has 4 incadecent sockets each with 20 watt bulbs is that good
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    any body have a pic of a tank with one of thos ceramic pots
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    new tank

    I'm looking into growing live plants in my 29 i have never grown live plants before what do i need to do, I'm looking to grow some christmas moss, java ferns and some amazon swords what find of lighting, fertilizer, CO2 do i need P.S i have gravel in my tank can the fertilizer go in the gravel I...
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    what are SAPs
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    hey I'm startin new Brackish water tank

    Hey I just got a 29 gallon tank as a gift and i'm puzzled on what to do whit it I really like puffers and monos so i was thinkin of goin wit brackish water or like in between brackish and fresh i was plannin on gettin 2 figure eight puffers 2 monos and to bumblebee gobys Should i go all...
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    freshwater - brackish fish

    Hey... I was surfin the web and I noticed that sum brackish water fish can be put in a freshawater tank with sum extra salt is this true if so.. I'm thinking I'll get 3 monos 3 bumblebee gobies and 1 puffer can i do this are there any peaceful puffers
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    Keyhole Cichlid identify

    I just went to the Pet store last night and i noticed a WHITE keyhole so i bought her and she is not as white as she was in the store but whiter than my male and the male just devolped the keyhole shape like "that"
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    Keyhole Cichlid identify

    Hey i have a male keyhole cichlid in my tank and i was lookin at some pics on line and i notices that some keyholes are white and some are not mine is this color and i also noticed that mine and the one in the picture just has a spot not like a keyhole shape and the white ones that i saw are...
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    New fish pictures
