Cloudy Help Please


Fish Fanatic
Sep 27, 2004
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I started a new tank yesterday and its cloudy I came yo a conclusion that i didn't clean my gravel good enough
should i siphone it with a gravel cleaner,let it sit or sumin else
if u just sent it fish or anything i would just take it down and thorouly clean the gravel....i had to too last week(spent 40 washing 10 lbs of gravel)......its also normal for the water to be slightly cloudy the first several days that the tanks is sent....water clearers r a def waste of money on a side note
did that its still cloady I can see the dust in the tank i let the water overflow in a bucket for 2 hours did a gravel siphone twice its better now but not clear
Quick question - did you get this gravel from your LFS or from somewhere else? If you got it elsewhere, I would make sure it is safe to put in your tank, because of all the cloudiness.

What I would suggest is as you rinse your gravel, stir it up so all the fine stuff comes off. I know when I was washing sand it would look settled then when I would stir it it would become very cloudy again. Another thing you can do is if you have a strainer that has holes small enough, rinse the sand a little bit at a time in there.

One last idea, when you pour a glass of water out of the tap, does it have lots of little bubbles in it for a while? Might that be what you are seeing?
Yea just go to your local petstore and maybe take a pic to show them or explain it then they can probably give you somthing to make your water normal again :) general, it is best to add the fewest chemicals to your tank as possible. I would try another washing AND mixing the gravel around before heading to the LPS which will always want to sell you something to try to make $$$$.

Also, give it a day to settle down. Patience is key with fish (says the most impatient person in the world).
most of the couldiness went away now i think i'm just gonna let it settle and add my surface skimmer to suck up all the floating stuff
I got the gravel at home depot its pea gravel

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