New fish pictures

Not sure if this applies but with some fish the males dorsal fin goes into more of a point at the back and females are rounded, dont know if this is the case for Rams though??

Very nice pics, for some reason the first one really catches my eye, I NEED A DIGITAL CAMERA!!!!! :D

Cheers for the help folks.

I'm starting to think they are both male as well because Ram#2 is larger than Ram#1 and often chases away ram#1 and they sometimes lock jaws with each other but not very often.
Found a website with the following included on it;

"The first several spines of the dorsal fin or "crest" of the males are longer than those of the females. Males also tend to be a little larger than females. Females on the other hand tend to be fuller in the abdomen and exhibit a bright red coloration in this area when in breeding condition."

Hope this helps... :)
Ever so sorry for the misleading link nitro, just seen the word Rams.
Please accept my apology...
Please accept my apology...

Np BigC

Here are some pictures of the whole tank. The first pic is of it taken three weeks ago. and the second one a week later. Ive got to take one this week yet.

Im waiting for the midground to fill out wif Sag P which is going to take a long time but i all ready have 9 new plantlets from the runners they have sent out.

The foreground has E. Tennilus which is doing ok ish. One of them has a runner already but it doesnt look very healthy so im abit optimistic about how its going to work out. If it doesnt i might stick a load of riccia down the front.

I need an opinon on something, i have two lots of Amazon Swords, One lot in the centre and one lot slightly left of the wood. I am thinking that there is too much amazon sword and i am thinking about removing the amazon left of the wood and sticking a load of Hygro P. What do you reckon?

There is still lots of growing to do and i will update the progress of the tank.

Here is the first pic.....


  • tanpic2.jpg
    62 KB · Views: 30
One week later... I will post another one of it this week tonight.


  • tankpic1.jpg
    69.4 KB · Views: 33
:kewlpics: it looks great. :D

cant tell the difference much except there r more plants :huh:

it loooks great anyway
very nice very nice
ive got a guppy exactly the same i never knew nolivian rams can go with guppies and neons ive got...

guppies ,neons,dwarf gouramis,albino corys,mollies and a pleco are bolivian rams compatible with these fish ????????????????? :dunno:
Warr40 said:
nitro said:
ram #1 again
i have to agree, i'm pretty positive that #1 is a female. look at the rounded edges of the dorsal and anal fins and also looks like you can see the stubby egg tube.

**edit** oh, and great pics by the way! the tank looks very nice
Thanks for the nice comments all.

About Ram#1.

I think i agree with you now about it being a female, from looking at lot of info on the net etc.

guppies ,neons,dwarf gouramis,albino corys,mollies and a pleco are bolivian rams compatible with these fish ?

I would say guppies, neons, mollies, plecs are compatible with rams I'm not sure about corys and dwarf gouramis though.

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