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  1. W

    My Fishy Pictures!

    :lol: :lol: :lol: at Sir Hiss "nom nom-ing" a pellet :lol: :lol: :lol: I speak that language :blush:
  2. W

    My Tank -updated 4th July

    WOW - that's one cool tank and brilliant fishy photos Qays! Wish I could take pickies like that of my little 'uns.
  3. W


    Well said Wolfie :good: and well done for staying soooo 8) I would have been more like -_- :sad: :grr: :angry: :angry: :shout: :shout: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: Wendy
  4. W

    I Want More Danios....

    :lol: :lol: :lol: i wish you hadn't told me that :lol: :lol: :lol:
  5. W

    I Want More Danios....

    Thanks for all the advice peops :good: Judmacaroni - those long finned blue danios are just :wub: :wub: :wub: though it might be more sensible for me to get more "normal" ones if The-Wolf says they're not so hardy, cos I've only had fishies in my tank for a few months. You are waiting...
  6. W

    I Want More Danios....

    Hi guys, I love my Pearl Danios, and want more danios, but am not sure what kind. Presumably if I get more Pearls they will all shoal together(?), but then I thought maybe I'd like a different kind. So I've looked at all the varieties on The-Wolf's website (thank you - that is soooooo cool...
  7. W

    My Fish Are All Dead :(

    Aaw, poor you :sad: and poor li'l fishies :rip: I'm so sorry for your loss. I never knew these could be dangerous :angry: I hope that knowing your post has probably saved some other fishy lives makes you feel a bit better. Take care.
  8. W

    Stupid Danio

    Aaaw - danios aren't mean - he's just a sad and lonely danio that needs some friends :sad: Poor fishies :sad:
  9. W

    Resigning Myself To Mts

    :lol: :lol: :lol: I can already see how easy that might be to catch :lol: :lol: :lol: Thanks again!
  10. W

    Resigning Myself To Mts

    I've been trying to work this out for ages, i've even looked in the pinned "common abbreviations" thread, but :dunno: i'm gonner have to ask................ what is "mts"? Mad Tropical Something??! I just KNOW it's going to be obvious, and i'll be all :blush: but i may as well ask now, while...
  11. W

    Danio - Which Kind?

    I'm a newby and I've got five Pearl Danios and I love them very very very much :wub: So I'd recommend Pearl Danios, cos they're just sooo cute, though they're the only Danio's I know :lol: To be honest, I wouldn't cycle with fishes either.
  12. W

    Thank You Soooo Much Tff Folk

    Hi everyone, I'm starting up and so haven't got many fish yet - just some pearl danios, glowlights and platies, but on Sunday, one of my danios totally vanished :blink: At 8am there were five of them - fit healthy and all eating breakfast, and by 11am there were only four :( We spent the...
  13. W


    Hi Everybody, I'm a newbie with a Juwel Vision 180 tank that's cycled but not yet full of fishes (only got some danios, glowlights and platies so far). I've just found your site and WOW - what a site 8) Loads of knowlegable people.... I think I'll be coming here every day from now on :) :)...
  14. W

    Cloudy White Areas On My Cardinals

    Hurray for the Cardinals, hurray for Waterlife and hurray for all Wilder's good advice :D Oops - sorry, i'm a newbie getting over-excited :blush: *rushes off to Introductions forum* :blush: :blush: