I Want More Danios....


New Member
Mar 22, 2006
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Hi guys,

I love my Pearl Danios, and want more danios, but am not sure what kind. Presumably if I get more Pearls they will all shoal together(?), but then I thought maybe I'd like a different kind.

So I've looked at all the varieties on The-Wolf's website (thank you - that is soooooo cool and WICKED pickies). But would other types swim with my existing shoal of Pearls?

The other thing is, it says that Zebras and Leopards, which I think are most often seen in the lfs (is that true?) are fin nippers, and I've got guppies etc. Would they nip my guppies tails? Can anybody recommend a very peaceful type that I'm likely to come across?

Sorry so many questions, but I'd hate to get some and then find they were biting my resident fishies - I guess I'd rather just stick with Pearls - they're so easy going and pleasant :wub:

Thanks for any advice, and thanks again to The-Wolf for a brill danio website *rushes off for another look*

i am thinking of getting glowlight danios after an advice from The-Wolf..
I have a school of long finned blue leopard Danios and they are in with some of my long finned fancy Goldfish no problems so far with fin nipping altho whether they would bother smaller fish I dont know.

I was never really a Danio fan but these guys are gorgeous almost look like a blue kind of snake skin pattern on them I will post a pic as soon as I can get my camera working and manage to get them to stay still enough to take a pic.

Not sure about whether they would school with your pearls but they are a lovely addition to my tank and think they would compliment the pearls really well!

found a vague pic on google here it is doesn't really do them justice tho!
I have a school of long finned blue leopard Danios and they are in with some of my long finned fancy Goldfish no problems so far with fin nipping altho whether they would bother smaller fish I dont know.

I was never really a Danio fan but these guys are gorgeous almost look like a blue kind of snake skin pattern on them I will post a pic as soon as I can get my camera working and manage to get them to stay still enough to take a pic.

Not sure about whether they would school with your pearls but they are a lovely addition to my tank and think they would compliment the pearls really well!

found a vague pic on google here it is doesn't really do them justice tho!

goldfish with danios???
I have leopard danios and they have never been any problem with any of my other fish.
I think you only get problems with fin nipping if you keep them in too small numbers, in a larger group they spend there time chasing each other so they don't have time to bother anything else.
Wendy-Jane (thanks for the compliments :* )
yes any danio will school/group with any other danios if there is a lack of their own kind
ie pearls will group with ZD's/LD's etc.

ZD's/LD's are only fin nippers when
1) kept in too small a tank
2) kept in too small a group
3) both the above together

the so called longfinned blue danios are actually a hybrid (glowlight/LD)
I have had both the F3 and F4 of these fish but they are not very hardy.
Also although danios are sub-topical and can take lower temps,
long term keeping in coldwater is not gonna be good for them
added to the fact that if it fits in a goldfishes mouth it is food.
Just keep your eye on them and expect to have to move them at some point in the future.
Consider choprae or roseus- both small, colorful and so active they are the only fish I have ever kept that I could never get a clear picture of.
Thanks for all the advice peops :good:

Judmacaroni - those long finned blue danios are just :wub: :wub: :wub: though it might be more sensible for me to get more "normal" ones if The-Wolf says they're not so hardy, cos I've only had fishies in my tank for a few months. You are waiting for DANIOS to stand still enough to get a photo? :lol:

I guess zebras and leopards shouldn't get nippy for me - I'd get a group of them and they'd also have Pearl friends. My tank's 180 litres and apart from the danios it's just got 6 neon tetras, 6 glowlight teras, 6 guppies and 6 platties (what makes you think I like groups of fish????!!!). Glowlight danios I've seen pictures of, but roseus I need to look up *goes back to The-Wolf's website* - oooohhh - pretty feeshy :wub:

Thanks again people - can't wait for the weekend now!
let us know which ones you get;
don't forget a good lfs can order in most danios from thier wholesaler :hey:
the so called longfinned blue danios are actually a hybrid (glowlight/LD)
I have had both the F3 and F4 of these fish but they are not very hardy.
Also although danios are sub-topical and can take lower temps,
long term keeping in coldwater is not gonna be good for them
added to the fact that if it fits in a goldfishes mouth it is food.
Just keep your eye on them and expect to have to move them at some point in the future.

I can appreciate what you are saying about temp however altho the coldwater tank I have does not have a heater it does stay at quite a high temp verging on tropical due to the fact of central heating in our house it is always a regular temp so not too worried about that. At the moment none of the fish I have are large enough to fit a danio in its mouth and to be honest I dont think my fancies would be quick enough to catch one the shubs on the other hand I can see your point but they are hopefully going to a big pond this summer before any get big enough to munch them!

Thank you for the info I always wondered whether they were a mix of breeds so to speak. they are stunning tho and very cheeky great fun to watch! They might be going into the baby's room community tank once that gets set up with my Diamond tetras depends whether we can catch them or not! Boy thats going to be a stressful day! :crazy:

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